SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200

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Short facts

Target group

Executives in companies interested in doctoral studies, founders interested in doctoral studies

Duration and cycle

The DBI program is divided into three years and starts annually in November. The selection process begins with the information event "DBI - Day" in March.

Requirements and application

1. master's degree or equivalent;
2. diploma degree from Germany.
3. foreign university degree of a 2nd cycle program in accordance with the Bologna Process.
4. recognized foreign university degree.
5. several years of relevant professional experience.

To apply for the DBI you need a preliminary research question, a short "research proposal", and a letter of support from your company.


The fees are 8500 Euro/year and are paid by the company or individual.

On DBI Day, interested parties will receive an overview of the content and procedure of the cooperative part-time doctoral program.

Register now!

A doctorate is not only a great scientific achievement and a personal milestone, but also an intelligent and sustainable investment in your professional future. Moreover, you are working on an innovation for your company. SCE, in cooperation with Aveiro University, offers an international and flexible DBI program that allows you to develop academically and professionally without interrupting your career.


From a company's point of view, participation in this program is worthwhile because, in addition to international networking and a knowledge edge, it offers an additional attraction for high potentials among the company's own employees.

You can find more information about the DBI in this presentation.

DBI Day at SCE

Every year in March/April, SCE hosts DBI Day, our information day on this form of PhD. There you can expect:

  • Overview of the content and process of the cooperative part-time PhD program that we offer together with the University of Aveiro, Portugal.
  • Take the opportunity to talk to supervising professors from the University of Aveiro and to program managers from Munich, to discuss your research question and to register.
  • Registration // Dates at
  • Please feel free to contact Michael Hack (; +49 89 1265 3236) for further information.

DBI Doctorate in Cooperation with the University of Aveiro

The Doctorate in Business innovation (DBI) results from the request of a group of companies and the willingness of the University of Aveiro to offer an international postgraduate training at the doctoral level in a business environment, with a global vision and multi-year planning. The DBI should solve the problems and reinvent complex and multidisciplinary business processes.

The DBI's mission is to train the professionals in innovation and in their different business applications, promoting research with quality and international impact and providing to the industry with the tools to improve its competitiveness on a global scale. DBI is a flexible, business context-adaptive program focused on applied results and personalized goals, dedicated to innovation and business. DBI promotes learning in a business environment, enhancing effective student skills. Students apply various methods as well as leadership skills and multidisciplinary teamwork in a doctoral level innovation project.

University information:


Michael Hack Head of Corporate Development

T: +49 89 1265 3236

M: +49 174 8386565


Michael Hack, Dipl.Wirt.Ing., is head of Corporate Development at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE).

Michael graduated as an industrial engineer from Stuttgart Media University. After many years as an entrepreneur in the printing industry, he sold his printing companies in order to look for new challenges. He is now focused on promoting education, training, innovation and entrepreneurship. In his own management consultancy for strategy and marketing, he helped young entrepreneurs and start-ups.

With publications in leading printing magazines and print media issues in the field and as an expert in strategy and marketing, he has an established reputation in the printing industry. He is also a speaker at conferences and events.

Michael's main areas of focus are the promotion of economic relationships, the sponsors and patrons of the University of Applied Sciences in Munich and the development of a new culture of education.