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HM and SCE win at the Stifterverband funding program "Entrepreneurial Skills"

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Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM) with its Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) has also been successful in the competitive second stage of the "Entrepreneurial Skills" program of the Stifterverband. Out of a total of 69 submissions from German colleges and universities, HM and SCE were able to prevail with their concept "Entrepreneurship & Innovation Introduction Days" as one of four successful submissions.

The project "Entrepreneurship & Innovation Introduction Days" of HM and SCE was awarded by the Stifterverband funding program "Entrepreneurial Skills" and receives a grant of 175,000 euros. The core of the concept is the sustainable establishment of interdisciplinary and cross-faculty "Entrepreneurship & Innovation Introduction Days" for all first-semester students at HM. The introductory days offer a low-threshold, motivating and playful approach to entrepreneurship and innovation and enable students to experience self-efficacy at an early stage at the beginning of their studies and convey a variety of key competencies of an "entrepreneurial mindset" such as initiative, a sense of responsibility and creativity.

Giving innovative ideas even more room

Science Minister Bernd Sibler emphasizes: "Congratulations on the successful funding in the "Entrepreneurial Skills" program of the Stifterverband. This is a great award, which clearly shows how powerfully and forward-looking Munich University of Applied Sciences is committed to imparting entrepreneurial skills to its students - across the various departments. There is a real entrepreneurship culture here. The university is helping to bring scientific findings into application even faster. Well-educated students will shape the future of our country and our society. They are the CEOs of tomorrow. In addition to sound specialist knowledge, they receive the necessary entrepreneurial skills here at Munich University of Applied Sciences. In order to give their skills and innovative ideas even more room, we are setting new accents for business start-ups under the umbrella of universities with the planned University Innovation Act. For founders, we are thus offering excellent start-up opportunities."

Making society more resilient

"In Germany, we need to rethink education even more consistently and boldly. Now we can make it tangible to young students that each and every individual has the power to shape effective ideas and concepts from nothing in the shortest possible time through interdisciplinary collaboration, creativity and decisiveness. In this way, all students are taught at an early stage that their university studies equip them with the necessary skills to meet challenges and to help shape the future in a positive and sustainable way," says Prof. Dr. Klaus Kreulich, Vice President for Teaching at Munich University of Applied Sciences, delighted about the award and summarizes the program's ambition: "The 'Entrepreneurial Skills' support program helps our Munich University of Applied Sciences to strengthen students' image of self-efficacy at an early stage and thus make our society more resilient in the long term."

The project team of Strascheg Center and Munich University of Applied Sciences around Oliver May-Beckmann, Sara Koss, Maximilian Appel and Prof. Dr. Sven Sterzenbach also share the joy about this application success in the highly competitive second stage. "The funding from the Stifterverband allows us to offer the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Introduction Days for all first-year students at Munich University of Applied Sciences in a timely manner. By networking with other universities during the first funding phase, we can at the same time further expand cross-university collaboration in Entrepreneurship & Innovation education," summarizes Prof. Dr. Sterzenbach, who is responsible for the project as an Innovation Professor at Munich University of Applied Sciences funded by the High Tech Agenda.The Vice President of HM responsible for Entrepreneurship, Prof. Dr. Thomas Stumpp, sees the project as an important strategic building block of a holistic strategy: "With this project, we will develop an offer that enriches our canon of measures as an Entrepreneurial University by an important element. This offers our faculties the opportunity to bring our students into contact with our profile feature entrepreneurship right at the beginning of their studies and to sensitize them to it."


About the "Entrepreneurial Skills" support program

The funding program "Entrepreneurial Skills - Anchoring Entrepreneurial Skills in University Teaching" is a joint program of the Stifterverband with the Dieter Schwarz Foundation and Campus Founders in cooperation with Allianz SE. Together, they are providing a total of 775,000 euros in funding to anchor the future competence of entrepreneurial skills in higher education curricula and across faculties. Funding for the program was awarded in a two-stage process. After 16 of the 69 university submissions were selected in the first stage, the TU Berlin, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences and the consortium of Ruhr-Universität Bochum and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen were now able to enjoy the award in stage two, in addition to HM and SCE.

Further information: Website of the "Entrepreneurial Skills" program of the Stifterverband