SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200
80797 Munich
T: 089 1265 3200
T: 089 1265 3211
Linkedin klaus.sailer@sce.deProf. Dr. Klaus Sailer is professor for Entrepreneurship at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and CEO of the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE). He is a co-founder and on the board of the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie and is also on the board of Munich Network. Klaus Sailer is spokesman for the think tank "Denkfabrik Gründerhochschulen"as well as part of the think tank HEInnovate.
Klaus Sailer holds a Ph.D. in physics from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, and did his Ph.D. at the Research Center for Environment and Health. At Infineon AG, he was responsible for project management and marketing of new semiconductor technologies. In 2000, he co-founded a communication technologies company with partners in the area as its chairman. He successfully established this company as a major market player, and was able to realize his innovative ideas further with various start-up teams.
His main research topics are in innovation process, business modelling, networking, co-creation and societal innovations.
T: 089 1265 3210
barbara.maempel@sce.deAnyone contacting the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship will first meet Barbara Mämpel as their contact person. As administrative manager and assistant to the management, she takes care of the entire office area in addition to administrative tasks and relieves the management of all business projects.
She gained her professional experience, among other things, through her many years as a sales and marketing assistant in a plastics processing company and as an office manager in the property management and real estate industry in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
T: 089 1265 3270
Linkedin madeleine.shinada@sce.deMadeleine Shinada ist seit März 2018 am Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship für das Office- und Teammanagement zuständig. Zuvor war sie in einer Beratungsfirma für betrieblichen Umweltschutz sowohl in der Beratung als auch in der Verwaltung tätig. Madeleine Shinada studierte Japanologie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München und erwarb einen MBA an der Kellogg School of Management.
Are you passionate about innovative ideas and entrepreneurship? Then become part of the SCE and work responsibly with our dynamic, motivated team to move the region and the world forward on a positive path to a livable, fair future. We are looking forward to your application!
T: 089 1265 3232
Linkedin maximilian.appel@sce.deMaximilian joined the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in August 2020. He started his SCE career as an intern in the new venture program. In addition to working with the start-up coaches, his responsibilities included participating in and co-organizing some (online) events such as the Innovation-Café. He also supported the accelerator program DICA during his time at SCE.
Following his time in startup support, he moved to the qualification department as a working student until the end of 2021. There he supported the core team in day-to-day business, such as video production of image videos and social media. Furthermore, he supported the preparation and implementation of larger events.
In 2022, he changed departments again and is currently working as a working student in internationalization. There, he is primarily driving the development and integration of various stakeholders into the new SCE community platform (Start for Future).
Start-up consulting
T: 089 1265 3285
Linkedin anne.doerner@seakademie.deSince 2011, Anne Doerner is in charge of the areas of start-up support and Corporate Social Responsibility at SEA. A trained industrial engineer, she worked for many years at Siemens as a Marketing Manager on international projects. In 2003, she became acquainted with the CSR initiative startsocial and since then has worked to pass on her knowledge to social projects. In 2008, she started her own business as a consultant in strategic marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship. Parallel to her consultancy, she also implemented her own social projects and experimented with new working concepts within self-organizing networks. Anne has long been focused on identifying the success factors for innovation processes in social intra- and entrepreneurship.
“SEA is truly close to my heart and is, to me, the place to be for inventing the future yourself. Social Entrepreneurship is an essential component of moving the world forward, but it is not enough for there to simply be entrepreneurship in the name. At SEA, we are reinventing ourselves daily, and this spirit of reinvention fascinates me.”
International Projects
Entrepreneurship Education
T: 089 1265 3244
Linkedin morten.edzards@sce.deMorten Edzards joined the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in spring 2015. He is a fulltime member of the SCE qualification team and the program manager of the Bavaria Israel Partnership Accelerator (BIPA). In this and other educational formats and workshops, he uses co-creation, innovation methods such as design thinking and real time innovation, and brings together national and international stakeholders. For several years, he accompanied Start-Up League teams as a member of the start-up support team at SCE, supervised EXIST applications and was responsible for the management of the incubator at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. Morten holds a Master's degree in Political Science and History from the University of Heidelberg and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The focus of his studies was Israel and the Middle East. During his studies and afterwards, he worked in a management consulting firm with a focus on change management.
Entrepreneurship E-Learning Program Manager
T: 089 1265 3277
malaika.fischer@sce.deSince mid-April 2022, Malaika Fischer has been senior consultant for e-learning in the AGORA project, which is funded by the DAAD to expand the range of digital courses in the context of entrepreneurship in the areas of health, AI and energy.
After the bachelor's degree, she did a master's degree and a PHD at JLU Giessen and the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. Malaika then headed the research and development department of a private brewery for 10 years and was able to gain a lot of experience in interdisciplinary project management, innovation and creative tools as well as intrapreneurship. She was also allowed to accompany the digital transformation of the family business, which inspired her to do the MBA degree "Digital Transformation", which she is currently studying on the side.
T: 089 1265 3275
Linkedin andreas.gattner@sce.deAndreas joined the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in November 2019 in the area of communication, focusing on social media. His tasks include the editing and project management of ex- and internal marketing, PR and communication measures, the creation and support of online offers, and within the SCE event management, the organization of the E'ship Day.
Andreas studied Social Sciences (B.A.) with a minor in Media and Communication at the University of Augsburg.
Freiraum Ventures
T: 089 1265 3288
Linkedin simon.goehler@sceprojects.deSimon joined the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in mid-2021 as a Senior Consultant in Co-Creation for Start-up - Corporate Collaborations.
T: +49 89 1265 3236
M: +49 174 8386565
Linkedin michael.hack@sce.deMichael Hack, Dipl.Wirt.Ing., is head of Corporate Development at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE).
Michael graduated as an industrial engineer from Stuttgart Media University. After many years as an entrepreneur in the printing industry, he sold his printing companies in order to look for new challenges. He is now focused on promoting education, training, innovation and entrepreneurship. In his own management consultancy for strategy and marketing, he helped young entrepreneurs and start-ups.
With publications in leading printing magazines and print media issues in the field and as an expert in strategy and marketing, he has an established reputation in the printing industry. He is also a speaker at conferences and events.
Michael's main areas of focus are the promotion of economic relationships, the sponsors and patrons of the University of Applied Sciences in Munich and the development of a new culture of education.
T: 089 1265 3200
Linkedin michael.hauck@sce.deMichael joined the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in mid-September 2021. After his internship in the area of start-up support, in which he worked with the start-up coaches and also participated in and co-organized the Innovation Café, he switched to the area of internationalization as a working student. His main tasks are the development and support of the Start for Future (SFF) community platform and its social media presence.
He studies Management of Social Innovations at the University of Applied Sciences Munich and is currently writing his bachelor thesis.
Head of Ecosystem Development
Academic Program for Entrepreneurship
T: 089 1265 3213
Linkedin moritz.hoffmann@sce.deMoritz Hoffmann joined the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in the summer of 2015. First, he was responsible as a founding consultant and start-up coach for the care of various teams in the start-up league. At the end of 2017, he became head of the Academic Program for Entrepreneurship and Executive Education. He uses his own experience from founding two companies. Moritz holds a M.Sc. in Finance & Controlling at the University of Applied Sciences Munich and previously studied International Marketing (B.Sc.) at the University of Applied Sciences Pforzheim and International Business (B.A.) at the ESCEM Paris - Tours - Poitiers. In addition, he sits on the advisory board of various start-ups, is on the road as a coach of various start-up formats and supervises further projects at the SCE.
T: 089 1265 3238
Linkedin jana.hollmann@seakademie.deJana has been part of the new ventures programme at the Strascheg Center of Entrepreneurship (SCE) since December 2020. As a start-up consultant, she works with founders and advises start-up teams of the start-up-league.
At the monthly Innovation Café, Jana brings enterprising students, alumni and those interested in founding a company together with start-ups, companies and experts and invites them to network and exchange ideas. In addition, she supports those interested in founding and start-up teams with workshops on topics such as communication and cooperation in their personal development.
Jana previously founded Jakale and, as a systemic consultant and workshop facilitator, has supported founders, start-ups and medium-sized companies in finding solutions to their challenges. Jana studied business administration in Ingolstadt and has continued their studies as systemic consultant, business coach and Trainer as well as SCRUM Master and Product Owner.
T: 089 1265 3263
Linkedin giorgi.japaridze@sce.deGiorgi Japaridze joined the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in April 2022, working as an International Project Manager. He is mainly responsible for driving the overall front and backstage processes of the Start for Future Program, including but not limited by stakeholder management, strategy development and administration, business development, budget management, project/sub-project planning and execution.
Before joining the SCE team, he worked and gathered experiences from different business fields and positions. He is a seasoned manager with experience in B2B and B2C marketing, strategy consulting, sales and marketing. His career path includes positions such as Sales & Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Operations Manager, and Project & Procurement Manager. Among others he has also tried himself as an entrepreneur, establishing and successfully running his own start-up.
Giorgi obtained a bachelor’s degree in Economic & Business Administration from “Tbilisi State University” (TSU) and a Master’s degree (M.Sc.) in Economies & International Management from “Leibniz University of Hannover”. He is currently pursuing his third Master’s degree in “Philosophy of Science and Sociology”.
Lead Master Program
T: 089 1265 3207
andrea.klimek@sce.deAndrea Klimek has been Program Director for the Deep Dive Master “Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation” at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) since August 2024. In her career to date, she has gained extensive experience in the development and implementation of innovative educational formats. Before joining the SCE, she worked as a research assistant at Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences, where she was involved in the concept development of digital and hybrid teaching and learning formats. Among other things, she was responsible for UX design and content management as well as the creation of communication concepts and event management.
As a project and design manager, Andrea also managed online courses for the Virtual University of Bavaria and was responsible for the design of innovative, interactive learning exercises and the barrier-free implementation of the courses. Her tasks also included the planning and implementation of international projects at the Mühldorf a. Inn campus.
Andrea has a Master of Arts in Design Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work. She now brings her in-depth knowledge in the conception and implementation of teaching and event formats to the SCE.
Program Manager
Real Projects
T: 089 1265 3247
Linkedin johanna.kobilke@sce.deJohanna is the program manager at SCE responsible for the Real Projects as well as the "Entrepreneurship certificate" of the Hochschule München. Every semester, she organizes and accompanies various entrepreneurship seminars in which, in collaboration with professors, students are encouraged to think and act entrepreneurially by solving real world challenges with innovative approaches.
Johanna holds a Master's degree in Sustainable Management from Uppsala University in Sweden and is strongly committed to a sustainable future through innovation and responsible entrepreneurship in her professional work. Prior to joining SCE, she led a teaching project focused on impact and sustainability and worked with Munich's three big universities and their incubators to strengthen Munich as an innovation hub through cross-sector collaboration.
T: 089 1265 3242
Linkedin martin.laarmann@sce.deMartin Laarmann is project manager of the Precelerator Project, the "fitness studio" for innovation and entrepreneurship, prototyping and new technologies for all members of the Munich University of Applied Sciences.
The graduate engineer of architecture (TU Darmstadt) is an expert for innovation communities, innovation spaces and coworking and was, among other things, significantly responsible for the planning, development and operation of the startup center "Werk1 München". He also advised numerous state institutions, municipalities and companies such as Murnau a. Staffelsee (Murnau Innovation Quarter) and Audi AG (Audi X-LAB in Ingolstadt).
Martin is also managing director of Make Germany GmbH, a social enterprise for the promotion and networking of the Maker-Movement, which organizes Southern Germany's largest Maker Festival "MAKE MUNICH".
His focus is the promotion of the "Just-make-it" mindset, "bottom-up" entrepreneurship and creative communities.
T: 089 1265 3234
haifeng.ling@sce.deSince May 2023, he started at Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) as ambassador for promoting the European Cooperative Society of Innovation and Entrepreneurship globally.
Mr. Ling received his diploma degree in physics from the Ruhr University in Bochum in 1989. After his graduation he worked for T-Systems in Aachen. In 1996, he joined Siemens in Munich. In 2000, he was appointed as Vice President of the UMTS Business Unit of Siemens, where he was responsible for the development of the Chinese UMTS technology.
From 2005 to 2006, Mr. Ling was Managing Director of ZTE Germany in charge of the business in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. In 2006, he joined Huawei as Vice President of the European Region of Huawei Technologies. He took over in 2015 the function as CEO of Baoshida Europe Holding AG and Baoshida Swissmetal AG. From the beginning 2019, he has switched to Moxa Ltd. as vice president and is responsible for the global vertical market business.
T: 089 1265 3257
Linkedin camila.londono@sce.deDr. Camila Londoño moved to Germany in early 2023 to join the SCE.
Camila holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Toronto. Since 2015, she has worked to support the commercialization of research and innovation at organizations including CCRM (formerly the Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine) and the University of Toronto’s Hatchery. Starting in 2018, she led the Science Discovery Zone, one of ten incubators at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), which has the largest academic entrepreneurship program in the world . There, she supported over 150 startups to pursue evidence-based innovation and entrepreneurship, and developed two courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels to help science students explore entrepreneurial ventures. She is passionate about supporting early-stage and diverse entrepreneurs.
Head of Digital Teaching
T: 089 1265 3246
Linkedin bettina.maisch@sce.deBettina Maisch is Professor for Entrepreneurship at the Hm Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences and Head of Digital Teaching at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE).
Bettina got two diplomas from the University of the Arts Berlin – in public and business communication as well as in electronic business. After a position as a marketing manager for the eGovernment Lab at the Fraunhofer Institute of Open Communication Systems she started her PhD at the University St. Gallen and worked at the Media and Communication Management Institute at the University. During her PhD she spent time at the Center for Design Research at Stanford University, Chair Prof. Larry Leifer, supported with a scholarship by the Swiss National Science Foundation as well as the Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program. Before joining the current position, Bettina was Senior Key Expert Industrial Design Thinking at Siemens Corporate Technology (CT) in Beijing and Munich from 2012-2020, responsible for promoting customer-oriented development within the company. From January to April 2019 she went on a sabbatical at the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, Chair Prof. Henry Chesbrough, at the University of California in Berkeley.
T: 089 1265 3261
Linkedin marko.mijatovic@sce.deMarko joined the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in September 2024 as a New Venture Program intern. In addition to working with the Start-Up Coaches, his responsibilities include participating in and co-organizing the SCE InnovationsCafé.
He studies Management of Social Innovations at the HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences and is currently in his 5th semester.
T: 089 1265 3264
Linkedin jens.moeller@sce.deJens Möller studied English and economics at the universities of Bayreuth and Krems.
He has worked for many years as a consultant, trainer and innovation coach for established companies, public institutions and start-ups. He is also the author of the book "The Da Vinci Formula: The 7 Laws of Success for Innovative Thinking" and regularly writes contributions and articles for (online) magazines.
Jens Möller supports founders in realizing their ideas and positively shaping the world of tomorrow.
Freiraum Ventures
T: 089 1265 3226
Linkedin david.photien@sceprojects.deT: 089 1265 3260
Linkedin sebastian.planck@sce.deSebastian Planck is head of research at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE). His research interests span system innovation, social and sustainable entrepreneurship, circular economy and speculative design.
In his PhD, which he conducted at the Ludwig-Maximilians University and University of Alberta, Sebastian analysed social and ecological transformation processes. After publishing his dissertation, he founded a Non-Profit Organization, worked as a campaigner in a sustainability agency and taught at different universities in the fields of Business Ethics, CSR, Gender and Diversity Management, Innovation, Intercultural Competences and Storytelling.
From 2017 to 2021, he was head of qualification at the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie.
From 2021 to 2022, he was the Managing Director of the Munich Center for Digital Sciences and AI at the Munich University of Applied Sciences.
Consultant & Co-Creation Manager
T: 089 1265 3200
Linkedin nico.reger@sceprojects.deSince mid-2023, Nico has been working as a Consultant in the area of Co-Creation for Start-up-Corporate collaborations at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship. After completing his education and earning a degree in Business Administration with a focus on Music Business, Nico independently advised content creators and businesses in the fields of Social Media and business model development.
Entrepreneurship E-Learning Programm Manager
T: 089 1265 3219
Linkedin andres.rueda@sce.deAndrés Rueda is project manager of AGORA, a DAAD-funded project to expand the digital educational offer in the context of entrepreneurship.
His career started in the field of conflict prevention and peacebuilding at the United Nations and the GIZ in Latin America. Later he worked in close cooperation with NGOs, SMEs and universities from Central and Southeastern Europe in a variety of projects focusing on economic promotion and the development of civil society.
Andrés holds a B.A. in international relations from Rosario University in Bogotá and a master's degree in public policy from the University of Erfurt.
T: 089 1265 3229
Linkedin lars.schepp@sce.deMy mission in life is to enable people to shape the future in a sustainable way.
After graduating in Business Administration (Marketing, Sales Management, Organizational Development) at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg with co-creation brand project as a personal highlight, I spent more than 20 years building and developing FMCG brands internationally in an American corporation.
With the change from a large company to a company founder in the food sector in 2015, I have gone through and experienced all facets of founding, building and liquidating.
Until joining SCE in early December 2022, I was consulting various start ups/SMEs on strategy, business model, product development and co-developing a concept for a sustainable e-commerce platform. In parallel, I have been working on sustainable topics such as circular economy, transformation to sustainable business models and stewardship ownership.
Program Manager Impact For Future
T: 089 1265 3256
Linkedin anne.schlieker@sce.deAt SCE, Anne Schlieker is responsible for the project 'Impact for Future'. Within this cross-university project, she is aiming at fostering impact-oriented entrepreneurship education at universities.
Besides her studies in pedagogic, sport didactics and environmental studies, she has been working as freelance workshop leader. Hereby as well as as project manager of the workshop-project at rehab republic e.V. she has already created, organized, and held various workshops – recently mostly on sustainability-related topics.
Her vision of a good world for everyone led herself via the non-profit sector to the topic of social entrepreneurship. Thanks to the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie (SEA) she could quickly dive into the topic. At SEA, she taught workshops on social entrepreneurship and was involved in the project management of the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School - before coming to the SCE in 2022.
In both her volunteer and professional work, Anne wants to motivate people to change their perspective, to think outside their own “box”, to ask questions, but also to become active and to just start doing it.
T: 089 1265 3239
Linkedin saskia.schmidl@sce.deSaskia Schmidl joined the team at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in summer 2017. As part of the new venture programme, she advises founders and supports our teams of the start-up-league in the incubator.
Saskia received her degree as a graduate in Social Sciences from the University of Göttingen (focus on business administration, economic and social psychology, civilian media law and sociology).
She has come to know the founding scene from various perspectives and gained valuable experience: as part of start-ups, on the investor‘s side of a venture capital company or in a supraregional third party project to promote and support start-ups of scientists from non-university research institutions (Max Planck Society and Helmholtz Association).
Lead Master Program
T: 089 1265 3287
Linkedin dana.schultchen@sce.deDana joined the Strascheg Center of Entrepreneurship (SCE) as Program Lead for the Deep Dive Master "Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation" in April 2022.
Dana has been on parental leave since July 2024. Andrea Klimek will be deputising for her until her return.
Previously, Dana was head of “Learning & Development” at the Ulm University. Therefore, she was responsible for the conception and implementation of various education and event formats with the focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. She is also co-founder of mindwise and works as a coach. In addition, Dana offers various seminars and workshops on the topic’s innovation, career- and personal development as well as mental health.
Dana studied psychology and received her PhD in the field of health psychology. Furthermore, she has also trained as systemic coach and SCRUM Master.
T: 089 1265 3262
Linkedin helena.sucker@sce.deHelena has been working at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in the area of start-up support and in the DICA team since mid-September 2023. In addition to working with the start-up coaches, her tasks include providing support in the DICA programme. She studies Management of Social Innovations at the HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences and is currently in her 5th semester.
T: 089 1265 3272
Linkedin samuel.tomas@sce.deSamuel joined the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in April 2023 as a dual student for media design working in the communication department. His responsibilities include online and analog marketing, PR, as well as event and project management.
He graduated from high school in 2022 and is currently a dual student at the IU Munich.
Program Manager
AI + Munich
T: 089 1265 3286
Linkedin philipp.vontoerne@sce.dePhilipp von Törne joined the SCE in February 2023 as Programme Manager for AI+MUNICH: the prototype programme for AI start-ups with SDG impact.
Philipp scouts and coaches start-ups and supports talents and teams in developing their AI-based ideas and solutions.
In workshops and larger events, he brings together enterprising students, alumni and various start-up enthusiasts with start-ups, companies and experts and invites them to share, network and exchange ideas on relevant problems, AI and entrepreneurship.
Since 2000, Philipp has been responsible for building and managing products, teams, marketing and sales as co-founder and CEO of several companies. As a long-time product manager in the media, tourism and IT industries, he has developed, launched and managed over 20 products in various constellations - classic, lean or agile.
Philipp studied political science, education, sociology and philosophy. During his studies, he taught alternative quantitative methods to other students as a tutor for data mining and knowledge discovery.
T: 089 1265 3224
Linkedin pavlina.vujovic@sce.dePavlina Vujović is a project manager at SCE responsible for internationalisation. Main focus of work is concentrated on establishing international partnerships with universities, entrepreneurship centers and industry partners across Europe and wider, with an aim to create sustainable international framework for creation of new and exchange of existing start-up teams. Prior to work at SCE, she worked as a program manager for different NGO's with a focus on socio-economic development in the Western Balkans, in business development for IT companies, and consulting for different organisations and SME's with focus on fundraising on the EU level.
She holds a double degree in Law and English language from the University of Sarajevo and University of Tuzla and Master Degree in Anglo-American Theory of Culture and Literature.
Programm Manager Impact for Future
T: 089 1265 3278
Linkedin sonja.wilhelm@sce.deSonja Wilhelm came to the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in the summer of 2022 with a clear vision. She wants to make impact-oriented business models the new normal in our economy!
As an impact-oriented project manager in the cross-university project "Impact for Future", she is committed to getting young students excited about more than just start-ups in the classic sense. Through targeted teaching formats for students and faculty, the project strives to provide a holistic and systemic understanding and related skills and competencies for impact-based entrepreneurship.
Most recently, she worked as a project manager in European research and innovation projects of international scientific and technical consortia on social innovation, energy democracy and innovative financing models for renewable energy. She completed her master's degree in Sweden in politics and sustainable development.
On a voluntary basis, she is involved as a team leader for the World Cleanup Day in Bavaria and Foodsharing Munich.
T: 089-1265-3258
Linkedin julia.zipf@sce.deJulia Zipf joined the SCE team in November 2022. As start-up consultant and incubator manager she accompanies students and startup teams from ideation till go-to-market strategy.
After her studies in Business Administration at EBS (European Business School) in Oestrich-Winkel and diverse stays abroad, she established marketing and sales department for several startups. Next to start up consulting in the marketing field she founded her own start up in the adventure park segment. In the SCE startup consulting she now supports students and start ups in starting their own business from ideation till going-to-market strategy. Besides she organizes ideation workshops as well as soft skill trainings and manages the incubator.
HM Professors in the field of entrepreneurship
HTA-Professor Linkedin
Prof. Dr Sebastian Dünnebeil is an innovation professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at Munich University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of his areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here.
HTA-Professor Linkedin
Prof. Dr. Peter Dürr is a Professor for Knowledge and Communication Management at the Faculty for applied social sciences at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of his areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here. Mohr about the project NEBourhoods.
HTA-Professorin Linkedin
Prof. Dr. Julia Eiche is a Innovation Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical, Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of her areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here.
HTA-Professor Linkedin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Eursch is a Innovation Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical, Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of his areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here.
HTA-Professor Linkedin
Prof. Markus Frenzl is a Professor for Design Theory and Media Theory at the Faculty of Design at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of her areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here.
HTA-Professor Linkedin
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehra is a Innovation Professor for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of his areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here.
HTA-Professor Linkedin
Prof. Dr. Herbert Gillig holds the professorship for Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of his areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here.
Prof. Dr Christian Hanshans is Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering and head of the interdisciplinary research and training centre for medicine-related courses at the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences. A detailed description of his areas of specialisation, focus and functions can be found here.
HTA-Professorin Linkedin
Prof. Dr. Eileen Mandir is Professor of Systemic Design in the Context of Social Change and Transformative Processes at the Faculty of Design at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of his areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here. More about the project NEBourhoods.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Moosheimer is a Innovation Professor at the Faculty for Technical Systems, Processes and Communication, Digital Media & Print at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of his areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here.
HTA-Professor Linkedin
Prof. Dr. Sven Sterzenbach is a Innovation Professor at the Faculty of Tourism at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of his areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here.
Prof. Dr. Anke van Kempen is Professor for Research, Development and Innovation at the Faculty for Technical Systems, Processes and Communication, Technical editing and communication at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.
A detailed description of her areas of expertise, focus and functions can be found here.