SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200
Here you can learn what we mean by responsible entrepreneurship and find opportunities to get a breath of fresh entrepreneurship air. We hope it will make you want to get active yourself.
In the programs in this section you will find both formats where you can passively absorb content, such as listening to a podcast or watching a lecture where you can ask questions and join in the discussion.
But there are also active formats, such as our Precelerator, where you can actively participate with your hands, thoughts and arguments and where you can also pursue your own ideas and projects.
With these programs, we want to promote confidence in one's own skills, develop the self-efficacy of the participants and encourage them to think entrepreneurially and act responsibly.
Our motivational and introductory formats are aimed not only, but especially, at people interested in entrepreneurship and newcomers. They do not require any specialist knowledge or only little previous entrepreneurship training in order to benefit from them.
Precelerator - Community Space Entrepreneurship & Prototyping
The Precelerator is our community space for entrepreneurship & prototyping. Here you can meet new people, try out innovative tools & gadgets, train your own skills, realize projects together and build prototypes for free.
Freshman Days 'getSTARTed'
At the beginning of the fall semester, we organize annual introductory days on entrepreneurship and innovation. In two days, you can learn the basics and develop so-called "future skills" in a playful and interactive way across all faculties in a kind of compact hackathon.
fIVE Podcast - Female Entrepreneurship & Start-up Stories
The monthly fIVE podcast features inspiring women from diverse backgrounds who want to make a difference. We talk about their passions, motivation, their journey, and the obstacles they face on the road to success. Alongside this, fIVE poses diversity considerations that all founders:in should think about when building their business models and communities.
Lecture Series "Entrepreneurs Live"
As part of our public event series "Ulive - Unternehmer:innen live erleben" (Ulive - Experience Entrepreneurs Live), exciting personalities give a lecture followed by a discussion. In this way, our guests can take a look behind the facade of charismatic and agile founders.
Online Course: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
The online course "Introduction to Entrepreneurship" is a free open online course that is the starting point to learn about entrepreneurship, that can be completed in one week. Find more online courses at our
3 Weeks Online Course "Entrepreneurship & Digital Transformation
Our Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "Entrepreneurship & Digital Transformation" brings together the topics of entrepreneurship and digitalization and shows how an entrepreneurial skillset can help drive innovation and actively shape our digital future.
Innovation-Café - Netzwerk & Community-Event
Lets talk about hot Ideas! The Innovation Café is our monthly event for listening & learning, networking and exchanging ideas. It brings enterprising students, alumni and people interested in founding a company into conversation with start-ups, companies and experts. In addition to a lecture topic, there are pitches, snacks and beer.
You want to change the world and make a living out of it? In the two-day beginner's workshop, you'll get knowledge and inspiration in fast forward.