SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200

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Interview with Start-up Certificate Alumni "aephus

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Michaela Stauch, Lucas Egglseder and Alexander Schöllkopf are part of Batch #5 of the Start-up Certificate since 2021 with their start-up "aephus". Lucas, Bachelor graduate (FK12 Design), and Michaela got to know each other in the joint Master "Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation"  of HM and SCE. In this, the Strascheg Award winning team of 2020 (3rd place in the category "Best Business Idea from a Course") started working on their idea of a modular jewelry with automatic fall detection and notification function to improve the quality of care.If you also have a great idea and are still looking for a start-up home , let Michaela, Lucas and Alexander convince you in the following interview to come to HM's SCE to start up and apply with your idea for the Start-up Certificate until January 10, 2022.

How did the idea for the start-up come about?

We developed the first beginnings of the idea in our master's degree. There, the challenge was to identify and solve a problem in healthcare. We decided on the topic of falls because each of us had already experienced this in the family.

What challenges did you face at the beginning of the Start-up Certificate?

At that time we didn't know how our financial planning would look like, what the situation would be with the property rights and whether we should first start in the B2B or in the B2C market.

What were your top 3 highlights from the Start-up Certificate and how did they advance your start-up?

  • Support in applying for funding
  • Workplace in the incubator
  • Exchange with the other start-ups

4. what is your vision?

Our goal is to provide a sense of security to carriers and family members, minimize serious injuries and deaths, and thus improve the quality of care.

5. What are your do's and don'ts when starting up?

Do: keep going even after setbacks! Don't: Ignore customer feedback.

Why should you apply for the Start-up Certificate and what advice would you give to interested founders?

Don't be afraid to ask for help! You can't be a professional everywhere already, with swarm intelligence you will always get ahead. If you can communicate clearly where you need support, there is always someone at the SCE who can help you in your individual situation.

7. and finally - your call to action: How can people do good for you?

Currently we are looking for business angels. You want to stir up this market together with us and push our vision? Feel free to contact us!

Follow aephus' founding story live at createF - The Female Founders Show. createF shows that independence through founding is possible for everyone. And that founding is fun.

Convinced of "aephus" like we are? Then get active! We wish the whole team continued success.

Do you have an innovative project of your own? Then apply now for our 24-week accelerator program, the Start-up Certificate, and become part of the Start-up League yourself!

Apply online now until 10.1.2022!