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SFF takes first place at the Triple E Awards

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We are proud to announce that Start for Future (SFF) won the category "Triple Helix Collaboration of the Year" at the Triple E Awards. This is a testimonial to the work, determination and passion within the Start for Future programme and consortium.

The Triple E Awards are a global recognition of efforts towards the quest for entrepreneurship and engagement in higher education. It is the first award to focus specifically on different dimensions of the universities' third mission. Implemented regionally, the Triple E Awards aim to foster change in universities and to emphasize their role in their communities and ecosystems. The award celebrates excellence in twelve areas of entrepreneurship and engagement. 

The award category "Triple Helix Collaboration of the Year (with at least 2 triple helix actors)" recognises a project or initiative that fostered collaboration between the actors within the Triple Helix (Universities, Government and Industry) to generate important social and economic impacts. The initiative stands out for the articulation between the different actors and by utilising each of their expertise and capabilities to drive innovation.

Here, Start for Future was able to convince with their concept, the outcomes and impacts and the Engagement with triple helix actors and thus secure first place.

"International collaboration will become more and more important in the future, firstly to adequately address the challenges and problems of this world and secondly to prepare students in the best possible way for this future", Prof. Dr. Klaus Sailer is pleased about the appreciation by the Triple E Awards.

Find out more about Triple E Awards:

Start for Future is a co-developed program initiated by European Universities, reinforced by the EUAcceL and Tandem+ Consortium and EIT Urban Mobility and EIT Manufacturing. This initiative is brought to you by the 25+ partners in the Start for Future Alliance.


Pavlina Vujovic
Head of Internationalisation Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE)