DICA Talk on Circular Economy, June 30, 5 p.m.

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On Thursday 30.6 from 17:00 the second DICA Circular Event will take place. A DICA Talk on the topic of circular economy. Now joining us for the next DICA Talk: City Councilor Julia Post.

We would like to remind you to register for the next DICA Talk. Here, in addition to Hans Baxmeier (CEO, GeMeMa), Julia Post will now also give us insights into the current circular economy of the beverage industry.

Since 2020, Julia Post has been a member of the Munich City Council (Green Party) and a member of the Climate and Environment Committee. She is particularly committed to circular economy and waste prevention.

In addition, great start-up pitches are waiting for you.

💡 When? On 30.06.2022 from 5 - 7 p.m.

💡 Where? On site at the Creative Hall at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) in Munich, Heßstraße 89 or online (zoom link will come after Eventbrite registration).

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/dica-talk-in-munchen-circular-economy-ab-17-uhr-registrierung-308615064967?

"Our natural resources are finite. In Germany, Earth Overshoot Day was already on May 4 this year. What could be more obvious than to use and reuse products and raw materials for as long as possible? That's exactly what a circular economy aims to do. And that's exactly what I want to create the optimal conditions for." - Julia Post