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Re-use statt new-build - Start-up Slooom turns gym into Pod-Hotel

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Start-up League Alumni Slooom wants to prevent building vacancies and create sustainable, individually usable spaces. This has now been implemented for the first time in a gymnasium in Spiesen-Elversberg, Saarland, where the first pod hotel, the Gymlodge, will open on February 3.

How can we rethink the way hotels are built and transform disused, vacant buildings into innovative hostels? This is the question that the start-up Slooom has addressed. At the core of their concept are modularly designed sleeping pods that can be adapted to different types of real estate thanks to a flexible element construction method. The four to eight square meter "rooms" have space for a (double) bed, a wardrobe and luggage. The pods are supplemented with communal areas and sanitary facilities. As a material, Slooom relies on wood. Read more about it at

Slooom founders Finian Carey and Tobias Bubeck are proud that their concept has now been realized for the first time. Carey on the project:

"Slooom is a sustainable niche concept and not a prefabricated mass product. We want to work with owners and operators to realize sustainable new concepts."

He said they follow a flexible business model and want to adapt to the needs of clients and projects.

"We want to continue to rely on our philosophy: 're-use instead of new-build,' which means eliminating vacancies, building sustainably and revitalizing vacant buildings." -Finian Carey