1. objectives of the program
The "Start?Zuschuss!" programme aims to support technology-oriented start-ups in the field of digitalization in their start-up phase and to establish young, innovative companies on the market.
2 Who is supported?
Funding is available for technology-oriented start-ups with a sustainable, innovative business model in the field of digitalization that were founded no more than two years ago.
3 What is funded?
Funding is provided for expenditure on personnel, rent, the market launch of the product and research and development.
4 How is funding provided?
Funding is provided on a one-off basis for a period of one year and covers 50% of the eligible expenditure, up to a maximum of €36,000, in accordance with the de minimis regulation.
5 How is funding selected?
The application is submitted online and evaluated in a two-stage process: first by an external jury in a competitive process and then by the responsible government, which processes the funding application of the selected applicants.
You can find the timetable and more information at: https://www.gruenderland.bayern/finanzierung-foerderung/startzuschuss/
If you are still looking for competent and personal support for your innovative start-up project, we recommend our SCE Incubation Program! Here we accompany you on your way to a successful start-up. More information here: www.sce.de/incubation