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Dr. Audrey Stolze: Virtual Collaboration as a "Future Skill"

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Dr. Audrey Stolze is Head of Entrepreneurship Education Department at the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE). In this video-interview, she answers questions about virtual collaboration and her contribution "Virtual Collaboration as a Future Skill – Analysis of an Innovative Learning Scenario for a HEI of the Future" - to be read in the publication: Kreulich, Klaus & Matern, Sibylle (Eds.) (2023). Teaching and Learning in Virtual Space. Bielefeld: wbv Publication.

She emphasizes:

"Virtual Collaboration, I think, it's one of the key skills that students are going to need in the future"

The new anthology "Teaching and Learning in Virtual Space", edited by Sibylle Matern and HM Vice President for Teaching Klaus Kreulich (ed.), offers insights into current research and innovative approaches to the use of virtual reality in education. The authors from Munich University of Applied Sciences examine how the learning behavior of individuals and groups changes when using immersive media, what skills the actors need and what opportunities virtual technologies offer in the university context and in the world of work. Lecturers from the SCE, Entrepreneurship Center at HM, are also represented with contributions from authors Audrey Stolze, Bettina Maisch and Andres Rueda. More information

Link to the project

Video production: Andreas Lüdke & Petra Elisabeth Spier.
Music: Urban Haze by Scott Holmes Music is licensed under a Attribution -NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Icon: Vectors Market from Noun Product.