The "Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship In-Institute" (SI) has been founded by the HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences and the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship gGmbH (SCE) as a new central scientific institution. As of now, it is responsible for the planning, coordination and implementation of the activities taking place at HM in the field of entrepreneurship. The respective responsibilities are regulated by a cooperation agreement between HM and the SCE.
The goal of the SI is to promote entrepreneurial thinking and action as well as spin-offs. The Central Scientific Institution SI is managed in close coordination with prof. Dr. Thomas Stumpp, Vice President for Economics at HM. Prof. Dr. Klaus Sailer, Managing Director of the SCE and Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Munich, is in charge of the Central Scientific Institution SI.
Professors participate in the activities of the SI as members of their respective faculties. Employees will be directly assigned to the SI. This also applies to the employees of the faculties 03, 06 and 09 who have been working on SCE projects so far.
The rooms of the Incubator and the Precelerator located in the W-building will be assigned to the SI. In addition, the rooms W 0.01, W 0.02, W 0.03, W 0.04, W 0.05, W 0.06, W 1.08 and W 1.21 will be added.