Focus and Research Topics

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SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200

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Focus and research topics at SCE and HM aim at exploration and application. Research results are directly incorporated into the Center's entrepreneurship education and start-up support. Topic-related projects are also carried out on these focal areas, and final theses and doctoral opportunities are supervised. Together with the Hochschule München, the SCE is active in numerous regional, national and European research networks. Partners and companies are gladly integrated into the research work. The following research priorities are pursued in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation:

  • development of the understanding of entrepreneurship and of dynamic innovation processes
  • holistic, impact-oriented business models for vertical research topics
  • systemic transformation processes and social business models
  • Co-creation and dynamic entrepreneurial networks
  • impact & social entrepreneurship
  • entrepreneurial universities and their transformation processes
  • Entrepreneurship education: content, didactic approaches, evaluation methods

Dynamic Innovation Processes

There are a number of smart ways and popular approaches to bringing innovation into the world. The more we embrace and actively apply such new principles, the better we can actively shape our society.

We want to add the "Real Time Innovation (RTI)" approach to innovation, which complements and extends existing tools by bringing new perspectives to the process and resulting approaches. At the same time, our RTI approach and its tools (card set, canvas, etc.) help to connect existing approaches. We are convinced that by doing so, we can foster an entrepreneurial and responsible way of thinking and approaching among aspiring founders and intrapreneurs.

Dynamic Innovation Processes

Entrepreneurial University

The forces influencing higher education institutions (HEIs) to become more entrepreneurial and contribute actively to economic, social and technological development cannot be ignored or downplayed. HEIs must acknowledge this new paradigm and proactively manage their institutions’ entrepreneurial pathways. Entrepreneurial Universities must provide project-based education formats seeking out for results that can be implemented through an innovation system that includes public and private collaboration.

More about the topic:

Video: "How HEI's can become more entrepreneurial"

Disseratation Dr. Audrey Stolze: "Third Mission Advancement in Higher Education."


Female Entrepreneurship

Increasing women's participation in start-ups has multiple societal, innovation, social, and economic benefits - in addition to economic growth, in terms of product diversification and competitiveness of the start-up ecosystem. Learn more here.

Female Entrepreneurship

Impact & Social Entrepreneurship

Generatingimpact means using entrepreneurial means to generate positive effects for people, society, the climate and the environment. Future-oriented entrepreneurship education must teach not only skills and knowledge, but also future skills that focus on the ecological and social effects of economic activity. Sustainable innovations and startups can combine ecology with resource-conscious economic efficiency.

In order to further advance the important topic of 'social responsibility', the aspects of social responsibility and the social and ecological effects of economic activity must be integrated even more systematically into education and start-up support, in addition to an understanding of economic interrelationships. This is also the aim of the "Impact for Future" funding project.

To the Funding Project "Impact for Future"

Systemic Thinking in Ecosystems

In order for universities to establish themselves as key players in the further development of start-up ecosystems and to fulfill this role comprehensively, they need a self-understanding as entrepreneurial universities. Systemic thinking in ecosystems is a prerequisite for this. Universities should be thought leaders in the field of entrepreneurship and, through new insights, both provide impetus for the further development of the topics of entrepreneurship, innovation and systemic transformation and apply these insights at the university, in the university environment and in the regional and international ecosystem.

Systemic Thinking Goals at SCE & HM