The projects aim to create more sustainable, inclusive and beautiful spaces in places across the EU, involving citizens at the local level. "They will show what the future can look like and bring the European Green Deal into our daily lives and living spaces. These projects should become the starting point for a European and worldwide network of New European Bauhaus projects" says EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
"It is a great opportunity for Munich that we have been selected as one of five sites to become the New European Bauhaus! Making the city sustainable, affordable and attractive for all has long been at the core of what we do. The New European Bauhaus particularly emphasizes the role of culture and creativity and the directly tangible benefits for people. Now we can take up our approach with and for Neuperlach. We will use the innovative power of the urban society and its stakeholders and make Neuperlach a European beacon for climate neutrality and quality of life." Prof. Dr. (Univ. Florence) Elisabeth Merk, City Planning Councillor of the City of Munich
"I am very pleased that the Free State of Bavaria is the only German state to have been successful with a lighthouse project. The topics of built environment, circular economy, green infrastructures, mobility and energy are crucial for the future of our cities and rural areas. I hope to gain important insights from this that can serve as a model for other projects around the world." "We have been supporting Bavarian cities and communities in urban renewal for 50 years. The fact that our development area has now been selected as a European lighthouse project makes it clear that we are setting the right priorities with urban development funding in Bavaria and are keeping a close eye on the issues of the future." - Christian Bernreiter, Bavarian State Minister for Housing, Construction and Transport.
"For a livable future, social innovations that are created through the cooperation of different stakeholders are becoming increasingly important. With the NEBourhood project, we want to trigger innovations in a very concrete way and at the same time serve as a good example of generating sustainable added value together with regional innovation hubs." - Prof. Dr. Klaus Sailer, Managing Director SCE
"Basically, it is known how we can transform cities in the spirit of the European New Bauhaus. But much of it is not yet practical and needs to be adapted to local conditions and needs. This is where the Munich University of Applied Sciences' innovation network M:UniverCity comes in. M:UniverCity understands urban redevelopment as co-creation with actors from all areas of society, especially civil society. M:UniverCity has designed a Transition Hub for the project together with the Competence Team for Culture and Creative Industries of the City of Munich, which will further develop, concretize and test the ideas and concepts of the project partners with local actors." - Prof. Dr. Thomas Stumpp, Vice President for Business at HM, Munich University of Applied Sciences.
The five NEB projects will develop and implement solutions within two years and point the way for other cities and regions. Spread across Europe, they will deliver a variety of replicable results.
In the project "Creating NEBourhoods Together", the transformation of Neuperlach, Germany's largest post-war urban expansion area, into a "city of the future" in the spirit of the New European Bauhaus is to succeed. With a current population of 65,000 and a stock of buildings and open spaces in need of redevelopment, Neuperlach has comparable conditions and problems to those faced by many satellite cities of large metropolises and also European small and medium-sized towns. With the urban redevelopment and the concept for the action area, the state capital Munich has already set a long-term focus on a sustainable development of Neuperlach. Through NEBourhoods, ten sub-projects from all areas of urban development, from circular building to green space and nutrition, from renewable energy to youth culture in public spaces, are to be implemented. The projects of the consortium partners of NEBourhood Neuperlach will be implemented with innovative and creative methods: the design processes with local people and all stakeholders will be moderated together with cultural and creative professionals. The promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and action, especially among population groups that previously had no access to it, will support a sustainable transformation. In this way, NEBourhoods will make a significant contribution to the goals of the New European Bauhaus, to the EU's Green Deal and to Munich's selection as one of 100 Climate Neutral Cities of the EU Mission.
Joy about the win at the project consortium (c) Creating NEBourhoods Neuperlach
Project consortium " Creating NEBourhoods Neuperlach" City of Munich (coordination) Architekturgalerie München e.V., Bayerische Forschungsallianz GmbH Green City e.V. Hauck Weisser Studio Animal Aided Design GbR Munich University of Applied Sciences Münchner Gesellschaft für Stadterneuerung mbH Strascheg Center For Entrepreneurship Str.ucture GmbH Studio | Stadt | Region Architektur & Stadtentwicklung Förster Kurz Architekten & Stadtplaner Partnerschaft Technische Universität München UnternehmerTUM GmbH UnternehmerTUM Makerspace GmbH
Associated partners: Bavarian Chamber of Architects Bavaria Design GmbH Association of German Architects Bavaria Image rights (c): Klaus Leidorf, LHM