SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200

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Noxon wins HM's "Oscar Partner of the Practice 2024" award

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Start-up League alumni Noxon wins the "Oskar Partner der Praxis 2024" award at the Oskar von Miller ceremony at Munich University of Applied Sciences. The SCE congratulates Noxon on this great milestone!

The team of Maria Neugschwender, Marius Neugschwender and Ka Hou Leong is developing intelligent textiles with printed sensors that collect and utilize long-term data on back pain or muscle atrophy in the legs, for example. This data is able to detect both short-term muscle tension and the causes of long-term complaints and help to treat them preventively with individual instructions. After completing the Start-up League, the start-up received the LOPEC Start-up Forum Award in 2023.

Every year at the Oskar von Miller Celebration, Munich University of Applied Sciences honors university members who have made outstanding achievements in the categories of teaching, research, degrees, doctorates and practice partners.
The theme of this year's ceremony was "Sports Films", with Christina Kaufmann, Head of University Communications, and Dr. Sven Winterhalder, Head of Strategic University Development, hosting the event. Musical sprints were provided by the "Duo Notenlos". You can find more information about the Oskar von Miller celebration in this HM news item or in this short recap video.


© Picture: Alexander Ratzing