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What we learn about innovation from science fiction. Dr. Sebastian Planck at the HM Applied Science Slam

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Dr. Sebastian Planck, Head of SCE Research, addresses the question of whether, what and how we can learn about innovation from science fiction in a highly entertaining way. At the Applied Science Slam at the HM - Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, he asks and answers questions such as: Can the future be predicted? Can the future be shaped? Can the future be analyzed? Can we learn from the future? Innovation has always been about bringing the future into the present through creative disruption.

Pictures: 01:01 Shisma, File: Star Trek Replicator and 3D printer.svg Mattel, Amblin Entertainment, Universal Pictures 1993MR2Turbo, File:Lightsaber, silver hilt, blue blade.png 03:04 Phillip K. Dick, Photo by Arthur Knight Bildquelle: