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Confirmation of KickStart@HM funding from the BMBF for ecomates, micro factory and PACKMATISCH

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Together with our start-ups, we are delighted to have received KickStart@HM funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for our start-up teams ecomates (biogas plant for domestic use), micro factory (automated and environmentally friendly 3D printing mass production unit) and PACKMATISCH (automated supermarket with innovative storage system).

As part of the KickStart@HM funding, particularly innovative research ideas are supported with a material budget of maximum 7,500€, support through consulting and access to the premises of the "StartUpLab". In the case of our three teams, this means an incubator extension of 3 months.

Eco-who? Micro-what? Packma-how? We introduce you to the exciting ideas of our teams and what the funding means for them.

"Now we can get started!" - That was the reaction of Valentin Grabmaier, one of the founders of ecomates, to the news that the Kickstart@HM grant had been approved. The vision of ecomates is decentralized residual waste recycling: a plant that converts the biowaste it produces into biogas. This can then be used as a building block of the on-site energy infrastructure, for heating or cooking. "We all throw away biowaste every day. But that we are giving away precious energy in the process is something most people forget. An absurdity, considering that we are desperately searching for sources of climate-friendly energy on every corner. It is high time that all people are empowered to recycle their own organic waste in a user-friendly way and unlock the value in it," says David Daberto - Biochemist at ecomates. By participating in the Accelerator program, the SCE & Munich University of Applied Sciences supports ecomates' vision to become a reality.

The start-up micro factory is also pleased about the funding, which will be used in the development of their fully automated production unit for thermoset components. This uses the mSLA printing process and enables users to produce parts with very high precision and speed without long set-up times. micro factory is the first product on the market to fully automate the production process, protect users from the potentially harmful chemicals and enable the production of series parts. In addition, the system enables the production of parts even without existing knowledge of 3D printing, thus serving as an enabler for companies that have not previously used this manufacturing process. With this combination, you could already convince, among other things, at the Strascheg Award and secure first place in the category "Best business idea in the study period at HM".

Fed up with opening hours until 8 p.m. and long waiting times at the checkout? This is where our start-up League Team Packmatisch comes in and develops an automation system for supermarkets, where customers can conveniently order their shopping via an app or a terminal. Then hr unique and innovative vending machine assembles the purchase within two minutes. True to their motto:" Simple, Always, Shopping". With the KickStart@HM funding, they continue to work on their vision that the customer can do his weekly shopping around the clock, without waiting at the checkout.

We wish the teams all the best and look forward to accompanying you on your exciting journey.

Do you have an innovative project? Apply now and become part of the Start-up League! Come to the Strascheg Center of the University of Applied Sciences Munich. We are looking forward to going this exciting way with you!