We would be happy to inform you personally about upcoming pitch events of our portfolio and network. To be added to the mailing list, please contact investorentag@sce.de.
SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200
SCE Investors Day
To promote start-ups, SCE regularly organizes investment events on its own initiative, but also with partners. At these events, around 100 investors meet selected start-ups each year that have a concrete need for funding. In most cases, the start-ups are pre-seed/seed investments in the range of EUR 50k to EUR 1.5 million. The start-ups can apply for a pitch place and get a slot at the event to present their project on stage. Afterwards, interested investors can get in touch with the start-ups.
Registration for the Investors Newsletter
- SCE Investors Day Date
Usually, the Investors Day takes place in February & December. You will find the next date as soon as it is fixed in the date folder on the start page.
- For Investors
If you would like to participate in our investors events, please sign up below for our investors newsletter. To be added to the mailing list, please contact investorentag@sce.de.
- For (external) Start-ups
To convince more than 50 invited investors of your team, your business idea and your business model, an application is necessary. Please send us your meaningful pitch deck (max. 10 MB). Presentation procedure: Approx. 3 minute pitch + 5 minute Q&A per start-up.