SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200

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Start-up Alumni

Learn more about the start-ups from our alumni network.

For more information visit the SCE Startup Portfolio of Munich Startup powered by Dealroom.
SCE Startup Portfolio

Optiwiser A.I. Solutions

We boost your supply chain performance through the power of AI!

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OR Electronics

OR Electronics GmbH develops customized hardware and software solutions for industrial applications and offers engineering services in the field of…

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OrangeBee - A food differentiation brand that values parts of foods from Mediterranean culture and integrates them into new food products that inspire…

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ORATIS - the first spiritual dating app!

ORATIS, focuses on inner values and finds the right partner with a special self-developed astrology and…

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Orbit Audio

Orbit Audio develops a desktop application that bundles all the resources needed to produce music in one interface.

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Odercube - the easiest and smartest way to communicate with service staff

Ordercube GmbH develops and produces a digital waiter call system that…

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Orthofy - 3D printed orthoses & prostheses

Orthofy is revolutionising the manufacturing of orthoses and prostheses using 3D printing technology.

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Orthopädie & Traumatologie Medizintechnik

Orthopädie & Traumatologie Medizintechnik - Customized Implants and Instruments for Orthopedics

OT Medizintechnik develops implants and instruments…

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OurRisks is a collaborative risk management as a service cloud solution that provides users with a comprehensive and continuously updated risk…

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PACKMATISCH – The automated grocery store where you can easily buy cheap products all the time

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Pandia 3D

Pandia 3D develops and distributes software that enables the creation of true-to-scale 3D models in real time and at the push of a button.

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Paretos specializes in using AI-based methods and techniques to systematically explore the potential of new technologies.

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Parkit - Simple and stress-free parking in large cities thanks to software-based parking space determination

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perpetuum! consult

perptuum! consult supports small and medium-sized companies that want to systematically establish responsible corporate governance.

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Pictureplix offers high-quality photo book designs at reasonable prices.

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Pigtie uses so-called micro-savings, i.e. small amounts of savings, to enable prospective young professionals to take the first step towards…

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PIONIERKRAFT enables the sharing of self-generated energy with neighborhood households with a new, innovative solution.

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Pixories combines the haptic quality of printed photo books with the added value of digital media formats.

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PKUP - Order your breakfast on the go!

PKUP is an app that lets you order your breakfast on the go: With this simple idea, the team at PKUP wants to…

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playd - Your own free live radio show

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