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The best paper award for David Romero from ITESM Mexico (left) and the best reviewer award for Thomas Holzmann from Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship/Munich University of Applied Sciences (right).

The best paper award for David Romero from ITESM Mexico (left) and the best reviewer award for Thomas Holzmann from Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship/Munich University of Applied Sciences (right).

Award for SCE Researcher

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Best Reviewer Award for SCE Researcher

Research enhances our societal knowledge and furthers our understanding. Often, it is not obvious that the majority of academic results are created through voluntary efforts for the community. In order to acknowledge the efforts of authors and reviewers, awards are given to the researchers by the academic committee. This year, the Best Reviewer Award was consigned to the SCE researcher Thomas Holzmann.

Two young researchers were awarded at this years’ ICE & IEEE Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation in Bergamo 2014, Italy. The leading IEEE conference in Europe discusses research and practical results from innovation and technology management, high-tech engineering and strategic and entrepreneurial management. In 2012, the conference was hosted at Munich University of Applied Sciences. This year, around 200 participants from academia and industry contributed with around 190 papers and over 20 workshops. The academic process for ensuring quality is a double blinded review process of the submitted articles and workshop proposals. Professors and young researchers give critical, constructive and detailed feedback on these papers. Traditionally, the best academic contribution and the best reviewer are awarded by the conference chairs.

David Romero from Institue Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) was awarded for the authorship of the best academic paper which was considered as an outstanding contribution in the field of engineering and innovation.
The conference chairs further awarded Thomas Holzmann, Alumni of the Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS, Faculty 09 for industrial engineering and management) and currently working as project manager and doctoral candidate at Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship as outstanding reviewer of the conference.

“These awards are a distinction for the academic contributions of researchers and for constructive and detailed feedback, which ensures scientific quality and enhances our knowledge in society,” says Scott Cunningham (Professor at TU Delft and Associate Editor of leading academic journals). The award is also a result of the structured doctoral qualification program at Munich University of Applied Sciences organized by the science support center and the international doctoral network NiTiM supporting young researchers for their personal career development.