SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200
Entrepreneurship-Forschung am SCE zielt auf Ergebnisse, die anwendungsbezogen und umsetzbar sind. Publikationen, die für Konferenzen, Journals und Buchbeiträge entstehen, findest du hier.
Referierte Konferenzbeiträge
Lehmeier, A., Lindner, T., & Planck, S. (2024). How social impact accelerators generate value: Insights from an impact ecosystem accepted for a PDW on Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Mandir, E. & Schlieker, A. (2023). It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. A Time-Travel into the Future of Entrepreneurship Education accepted for IEES - International Entrepreneurship Education Summit
Schlieker, A. & Vogel, C. (2023). How to „teach“ entrepreneurship education? - An interactive workshop on designing a successful train-the- trainer format accepted for IEES - International Entrepreneurship Education Summit
Planck, S. & Krauss, J. (2023). Designing the Undesignable: "Towards a Theory and Practice of Ecocentric Design" accepted for Interaction23
Planck, S., Mandir, E., & Groß, B. (2023). "Entrepreneurship Futures, or: What Entrepreneurship Education can learn from Design Futuring" accpeted for 3E - ESCB Entrepreneurship Education
Tittel, A., Maisch, B., Wolf, B., Anzengruber, J., & Terzidis, O. (2023). "Life Design - IKIGAI" accepted for EURAM
Krzywonos, M. & Maisch, B. (2023). "Creativity Untamed? An Exploration of Idea Generation in the Metaverse, Build-Measure-Learn in Education - Lessons Learned from the Iterative Development of a digital Project-based, International Entrepreneurship Format" accepted for ECIE - European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Maisch, B., & Rueda, A. (2023). "Virtual 3D Entrepreneurship" accepted for ECIE – European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Stolze, A. (2023). "HEIs' third mission reality check: leadership perspective meets actual patterns of third mission activities" accepted for G-Forum23 (Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand)
Maisch, B. & Wolf, B. (2023). "Entrepreneurial Life Design: Teaching entrepreneurship as a future competence for resilience and sustainable transformation" accepted for G-Forum23 (Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand)
Bernadó-Mansilla, E.; Lahikainen, K.; Sailer, K.; Coelho Gabriel, B. (2022). “From Assessment to Action: Process and Tools to Help Higher Education Institutions Become More Entrepreneurial” accepted for the UIIN Conference 2022
Stolze, A.;Singer, S.; Gedeon S.; Stoycheva, M.; Sailer, K. (2022). “entreTime - Time to become more entrepreneurial universities, teach through entrepreneurship and connect local entrepreneurial ecosystems internationally” accepted for the Triple Helix Conference 2022
Sailer, K.; Gedeon Steve, Westernberg, M. (2022). “entreTime: European Train-The-Trainer Program for Teaching through Entrepreneurship” accepted for the ACIE Conference 2022
Stolze, A., Sailer K., Kuckertz, A. (2020). An International Foresight Reflection on Entrepreneurial Pathways for Higher Education Institutions. Conference Paper, 24. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand, Oktober 2020, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (Online)
Stolze, A.(2020). Vision 2050 – A Foresight Reflection on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Stakeholders Expectations towards Higher Education Institutions. Conference Paper, XVIII International Triple Helix Conference, June 2019, Tampere, Finland (Online)
Castellarin, E., Gillig, H., Weber, C. (2019). Leading to success. A configurational analysis on leadership and strategic decision making in micro and small entrepreneurial firms;, Conference Paper, 23. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand,September 2019, Vienna, Austria
Weber, C. (2019). A pattern language tool on realtime innovation, conference proceedings EUROPLOP Conference, 01. – 05. Juli 2019, Kloster Irsee, Germany
Stolze, A. (2019). The Transformation of Higher Education Institutions in Entrepreneurial Universities – A Meta-Ethnography and Research Agenda. Conference Paper, 23. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand, September 2019, Vienna, Austria
Stolze, A. (2019). The Transformation of Higher Education Institutions in Entrepreneurial Universities – A Meta-Ethnography and Research Agenda. Conference Paper, XVII International Triple Helix Conference, September 2019, Cape Town, South Africa
Stolze, A., Sailer, K. (2018). Value Co-Creation Entrepreneurship Programs in Higher Education, in: Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 20.-21.09. 2018, Aveiro.
Gillig, H., Sailer, K., Stolze, A. (2018). Entrepreneurial mindset as a driver for digital transformation - a novel educational approach from University-Industry Interactions, in: Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 20.-21.09.2018, Aveiro.
Edzards, M., Sailer, K., Stolze, A. (2018). International Triple Helix in Action: Learnings from a bavarian - israel digital open innovation case, 16th Triple Helix Conference, 5. - 8.09. 2018, Manchester.
Gillig, H., Sailer, K., Stolze, A. (2018). The formation of digital transformation agents: A discourse on the future role of Entrepreneurial Universities within quadruple helix dynamics, G-Forum 2018, 12. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz für Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand, 10.-12.10.2018, Stuttgart.
Ebeling, J., Täger, S., Weber, C.R.M. (2018). Targeting Skills and Mindset: Towards an evaluation design of entrepreneurship education methods, 8th Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship, 18. - 20.01. 2018, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. »» Download
Heinz, R., Stephan, Y., Gillig, H. (2017). Scouting of Early-Stage Start-Ups - Development and initial test of a conceptual framework, IEEE International Technology Management Conference E-TEMS, Munich, Germany 18-19 October 2017. »» Download
Huber, F., Peisl, T., Sailer, K., Turgut-Dao, E. (2017). Career trajectories after graduating from a university-based entrepreneurship certificate programme, ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference, Cork, Ireland, 10-12 May 2017. »» Download
Nenov S., Gillig H. (2016). Web-enabled Geschäftsmodelle aus der Kreativwirtschaft und ihr Marktpotenzial in Deutschland, 20. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand, 5. – 7. Oktober 2016, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management (Leipzig).
Huber, F., Peisl, T., Gedeon, S., Brodie, J. & Sailer, K., (2016). Design-Thinking based entrepreneurship education: What entrepreneurship can learn from design, ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference, Leeds, 10-13 May, 2016 (runner-up for the 3E best paper award). »» Download
Weber, C. (2016). How to identify sustainable entrepreneurship collaboration while it happens, 7th Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship, 14.-16.01.2016, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. »» Download
Schmidt-Thomé, F., Gillig, H., (2015). Evaluation von Geschäftsideen in der Vorgründungsphase, 19. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand, 8. – 9. Oktober 2015, Universität Kassel.
Turgut-Dao, E., Gedeon, S., Sailer, K., Huber, F., Franck, M. (2015): Embedding Experiential Learning in Cross-Faculty Entrepreneurship Education. 3E – ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference. »» Download
Kistler, S., Gillig, H., (2015): Is 'Effectuation' a Cross-cultural Concept? Decision Principles of German Entrepreneurs. In E. Huizingh, M. Torkkeli, S. Conn & and I. Bitran (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference in Budapest, Hungary.
Huber, F., Poech, A., Sailer, K. (2014). New insights for building and training design thinking teams, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference (G-Forum), 13-14 November 2014.
Holzmann, T., Sailer, K., Katzy, B. (2013). The matching process for innovation partnerships: A multi-sided market perspective, 19th IEEE ITMC & ICE Conference 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands, 24-26 June 2013
Weber, C., Sailer, K., Katzy, B. (2013). Network Dynamics in Humanitarian Leadership, 19th IEEE ITMC & ICE Conference 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands, 24-26 June 2013
Gillig, H., Hofer, A.& Sailer, K. (2013). Development path and influencing factors in promoting entrepreneurship at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, in Baaken,T., Meerman, A., Kliewe,T. (Hrsg.): Entrepreneurial Universities: Conference Prodeedings, Münster University of Applied Sciences, 79-84
Gillig, H., Sailer, K. (2012). User involvement in the innovation process: Development of a framework for E-Services, in: Holzmann, T. et al, Proceedings of the 2012 18th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation
Holzmann, T., Katzy, B., Sailer, K. (2012). Finding partners for collaborative innovation: The vicious circle of matchmaking, R&D Conference 2012 Ecole de Management Grenoble, Grenoble, France, 23-25 May 2012
Weber, C., Katzy, B., Sailer, K. (2012). Disaster Relief Management: A dynamic network perspective, IEEE International Technology Management Conference ITMC, Dallas, USA 24-27 June 2012 »»
Weber, C., Katzy, B., Sailer, K. (2012). Dynamic Networks in Disaster Management,ICCDM International Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management, Kumaracoil, Tamil Nadu, India, 27-28 January 2012
Lewrick, M., Skribanowitz, P. & Huber, F. (2012). Nutzen von Design Thinking Programmen: Diskussion mit Programmleitern, Ausbildern, akademischen Leitungsverantwortlichen und Unternehmensvertretern in der Schweiz und Deutschland, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference (G-Forum) Potsdam, Germany, 8-9 Nov. 2012
Huber, F., Poech, A., Brodie, J. (2012). The entrepreneurial personality: Lessons for student's education, NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Proceedings, Rotterdam,14-15 June 2012
Holzmann, T., Katzy, B., Sailer, K., Turgut, E. (2011). Deal-flow portfolios in innovation collaborations - revisiting the rationale of innovation networks, 17th International Conference on Concurrent Engineering ICE, Aachen 20-22 June 2011 »»
Gillig, H., Gleich, R., Russo, P.& Tilebein, M. (2008) Customer Integrationin the innovation process: An explanatory study in the German e-service industry, in: Huizingh, K.R., Torkelli, S., Conn& Bitran, I., (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 15th ISPIM conference, Tours, France, 14-18 June 2008
M., Laermann, B., Gillig, H., Sailer, K., Frank, M., A novel concept of a university business incubator, creating innovations through collaboration at the university environment, in: Huizingh K.R., Torkelli, S., Conn & Bitran (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 15th ISPIM conference, Tours, France, June 14-18, 2008
Journals und Zeitschriften
Wilhelm, S., & Planck, P. (2024). Systems Thinking in Entrepreneurship Education: An Examination of Competencies and Pedagogical Approaches for Sustainable Transformation.
Colette, H., & Lahikainen, K. (2024). Exploring Intrapreneurial Activities in the Context of the Entrepreneurial University: An analysis of five EU HEIs. Technovation, 129, 102893.
Planck, S., Wilhelm, S., Kobilke, J., & Sailer, K. (2024). Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: Combining Entrepreneurial and Sustainable Competencies in Entrepreneurship Education. Sustainability, 16(9), 3725.
Funck, M., Krebs, B.P., Tomin, S. & Wach, B. (2023). Impact of Hierarchical Cultural Values on Idea Generation and Execution of New Venture Teams. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Schwarz, J.O., Wach, B. & Rohrbeck, R. (2023). How to anchor design thinking in the future: Empirical evidence on the usage of strategic foresight in design thinking projects. Futures 149.
Mattner, F. (2023). Revision Needed? A Social Constructionist Perspective on Measurement Scales for Assessing Gender Role Stereotypes in Entrepreneurship. International Small Business Journal.
Kaiser, V. & Maisch, B. (2022). From COIL to COOIL - Combining on- and offline within entrepreneurship education. Die Neue Hochschule.
Kuehnel, K. & Au-Yong Oliveira, M. (2022). The Development of an Information Technology Architecture for Automated, Agile and Versatile Companies with Ecological and Ethical Guidelines. Informatics, 9(2).
Sailer, K., Notz, K. & Planck, S. (2021). Social Entrepreneurship. Staatslexikon.
Stolze, A., Sailer, K. (2021). Advancing HEIs’ third-mission through dynamic capabilities: the role of leadership and agreement on vision and goals. Journal of Technology Transfer.
Colette H., Coelho Gabriel, B.; Sailer, K., Bernado-Mansilla, E.; Lahikainen, K. (2021). Strategies for the Creation and Maintenance of Entrepreneurial Universities; IGI Global.
Stolze, A., Sailer, K. (2020). An international foresight reflection on entrepreneurial pathways for higher education institutions, Industry and Higher Education, p. 1-12.
Stolze, A. (2020). A meta-ethnography on HEIs’ transformation into more entrepreneurial institutions: Towards an action-framework proposition, Industry and Higher Education, S. 1-14.
Sailer, K. (2017). Dynamic business modelling - wie etablierte Unternehmen von start-ups profitieren können. Innovation Management Support, p. 35 - 42, Diesel Kuratorium.
Schmidt-Thomé, F., Gillig, H. (2016). Wie gut ist meine Idee? - Faktoren zur Bewertung neuer Geschäftsideen, wissenschaftsmanagement, 1, Januar/Februar 2016, p. 42-45.
Weber, C., Sailer, K., Katzy, B. (2015). Real-time foresight - Preparedness for dynamic networks, in: Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 101, p. 299-313.
Sailer, Klaus (2015). Der Weg zur "entrepreneurial" Universität. in: Zervakis, P., Bargel, T., Flexibilisierung und Mobilität im Europäischen Hochschulraum, Hefte zur Bildungs- und Hochschulforschung, 84, Universität Konstanz.
Di Bella, Jessica (2013). Innovative Ansätze in der Beratung von Migrantinnen und Migranten mit Gründungsambitionen. Potenziale aus der akademischen Gründungslehre nutzen. WISO direkt, August 2013.
Katzy, B., Turgut, E., Holzmann, T., Sailer, K. (2013). Innovation Intermediaries: A process view on open innovation coordination, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 25 (3), p. 295 - 309.
Lewrick, M., Maktoba, O., Raeside, R., Sailer, K. (2011). Education for Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Management Capabilities for sustainable growth and success, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 6, Iss 1, p. 1-18.
Gillig, H.& Täube, F.A. (2010). Open Innovation für E-Services - Rahmenkonzept zur Kundenintegration in den Innovationsprozess, Wissenschaftsmanagement, 4, p. 46-50.
Sailer, K. & Gillig, H. (2009). Erfolgsfaktor Entrepreneurship für Studierende, wissenschaftsmanagement 3, p. 14-21.
Sailer, K. (2008). Paradoxien als Chance - persönliche und psychologische Aspekte der Unternehmensnachfolge. Going Public.
Russo, P. & Gillig, H. (2006). Ideen generieren mit TRIZ. Zeitschrift für Controlling und Innovation, Sonderheft.
Anzengruber, J., & Maisch, B. (2024). Driving sustainable entrepreneurship through social media communication. In C. Henry, S. Tomasi, S. Singer, A. Cavicchi, M. Bucaille, E. Mass Lovgren, & S. Stilling. (Hrsg.), Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Deep Tech: A good practice guide. (S. 138-143). Start for Future.
Schultchen, D., Planck, S., Stolze, A., & Gillig, H. Creating Responsible Deep Tech Intra- and Entrepreneurs. (2024). In C. Henry, S. Tomasi, S. Singer, A. Cavicchi, M. Bucaille, E. Mass Lovgren, & S. Stilling. (Hrsg.), Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Deep Tech: A good practice guide. (S.20-29). Start for Future.
Planck, S., Wilhelm, S., Vogel, C., & Schlieker, A. (2024). Social Entrepreneurship und Systemwandel. In P. Kenel, J. Eschweiler, H. Hackenberg & M. Wihlenda (Hrsg.), Social Entrepreneurship in Deutschland (1. Aufl., S. 96-119). transcript Verlag.
Gehra, W. (2023). Social Entrepreneurship. Nomos.
Rueda, A. & Maisch, B. (2023). From Second Life to Second Job: Creativity and Entrepreneurship Education in the Metaverse. Teaching and Learning, p. 99-110 in Virtual Space.
Stolze, A. (2023). Virtual Collaboration as a "Future Skill" - Analysis of an Innovative Learning Scenario for a HEI of the Future. Teaching and Learning, p. 61-74 in Virtual Space.
Sailer, K.; Stark, W.; Weber, C.; Eder, S.; Leonavicius, E. (2019). “Real Time Innovation New Patterns for Entrepreneurial Thinking”. SCE-Verlag.
Sailer, K., Franck, M. (2018). A pathway to a sustainable future through new ways of learning and applying knowledge, 162 - 164, in: The Future of University Thoughtbook, Davey, T. et al (2018), Amsterdam: UIIN.
Matuschka, A., Sailer, K., Hermann, N., Gillig, H. (2015). Die Denkfabrik Gründerhochschule, in: Teichert, J., Ofianka, R., Jendrosch, A., (Hrsg.) Universitäre Gründungsförderung (137- 143), Waxmann Verlag.
Gottwald, F.-T., Sailer, K., Sprinkhart, K.-P. (2013). Fair Business - Wie Entrepreneurs die Zukunft gestalten. Regensburg: Walhalla Verlag.
Sailer, K., Herausforderung Innovation, in: Pfeiffer, S., Schütt, P., Wühr, D. (Hrsg.), 2011: Smarte Innovation. Ergebnisse und neue Ansätze im Anlagen- und Maschinenbau, Heidelberg: Springer.
Sailer, K., Maier, E., Leonavicius, E., Die Reise zu den drei Schatzinseln Entrepreneurship - Persönlichkeit - Innovation, in: Müller, K.-D., Diensberg, C. (Hrsg.), 2011: Methoden und Qualität in der Gründungslehre, Lohmar:EUL.
Sailer, K., Motivation and Responsibility - the MORE project at the University of applied Sciences Munich, in: Kortzfleisch, H., 2011: Scientific Entrepreneurship. Reflection on sucess of ten years EXIST, Lohmar:EUL.
Gillig, H. (2011). Einbindung von Nutzern in den Innovationsprozess bei E-Services - Grundlagen, Einsatzpotenziale und Gestaltung. Dissertation an der EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht: Verlag Dr. Kovac.
Gillig, H. (2008). Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Methoden im Service Engineering, in: Buchenau, G., Rietz, S. & Giebel, M. (Hrsg.) Prozessmanagement - Praktische Anwendung und weiterführende Ideen (279-360), Berlin:Logos.
Holzmann, T., Katzy, B., Sailer, K., Thoben, L. (2012). Proceedings of the 2012 18th International Conference on Engineering, Technological Innovation, Munich, Germany, 18-20 June 2012