Once established the Hub will offer start-up training and will function as an incubation center; a space enabling entrepreneurial artists and cultural communities to create socially inclusive and economically empowered society. During the kick-off, a public discussion on the concept and benefits of cultural entrepreneurship is followed by a 3-day Training-for-Trainers Entrepreneurship Bootcamp using the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship Innovation Process method and modules.
The Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub Solo specifically focuses on working with young artists in the performing and classical arts. Not only is Indonesian dance, music, and theatre strongly rooted in its history, tradition, and communal life. Because of Indonesia’s cultural diversity, it also offers a unique variety of artistic expressions. And – unlike in the sectors of visual arts and design – entrepreneurial thinking and skills are not yet playing a significant role in performing artists’ education and professional perspectives, despite the great potential.
Discussion: Cultural Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion and Economic Equity
with Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf, Moritz Hoffmann, & Yudhi Soerjoatmodjo
02.05.2018 | 09:00-11:30
Open to the public
Language: English
Training-for-Trainers Bootcamp
with Dr. Johann-Jakob Wulf & Moritz Hoffman
For invited participants only
Language: English
The Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub Solo in cooperation with Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta is part of the project „Cultural Entrepreneurship Hubs“ by Goethe-Institut and Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. The pilot project connects three hubs in Greece, South Africa and Indonesia with each other and the German creative industries and aims at strengthening entrepreneurial thinking and acting in the cultural scenes as well as building a global network of cultural entrepreneurs.
www.goethe.de/indonesia / www.sce.de / www.isi-ska.ac.id
Maya / Cultual Program Coordinator / Goethe-Institut Indonesia / +62 21 23550208-116