Our guest of today’s episode is: SASKIA RIEDEL. Saskia works as a freelance curator and art facilitator. In 2015 she participated in Oh MY Goethe! – a German-French creativity lab, for people in the arts and culture to develop a sustainable business model. “It is not so common to talk about entrepreneurship, start-up ideas and the ‘business side’ of art, when you study in the arts”. Saskia Riedel, is a great example, inspiring and down-to earth role model for aspiring entrepreneurs. She started as a sidepreneur. Sidepreneurs are all, who start their business while still having other sources of income, such as a part-time job. This allows you to cover all your fixed costs, while still pushing your own start-up or projects forward and to test & experiment whether there is a market, and whether you’re having fun doing it! Sometimes an idea might look more promising, than when you perform it; sometimes you might not find a market for an idea, yet, what is important – to try, to fail, to learn! And there is not one single path to do this, but a wonderful variety. Not everyone might see themselves in running a company such as AirBnB, Youtube, or Netflix; for Saskia it’s important that she can grow arcs audio in a way that it still fits her lifestyle, values and well-being. Thank you Saskia for this wonderful conversation!
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