The 1st IEEE European Technology & Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS) will be held from 17th to 19th of October 2017 in Munich, Germany. This multi-disciplinary event will bring together engineering and technology experts, executive managers from industry, scientific, R&D and innovation professionals as well as innovative entrepreneurs and top researchers interested in advanced manufacturing, entrepreneurial management and education, managing innovation and technology for industry 4.0 and 3D printing. The program features speakers and experts from renowned companies and organizations like Georgia Tech, SCE, EOS GmbH, European Patent Office, IBM and Intel. Visit:
Call for Papers: “Digital Innovation for Advanced Manufacturing Managing Technological and Entrepreneurial Challenges”
The European Technology & Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS) is one of our conferences in the series of TEMSCON – Technology & Engineering Management Society Conferences. Selected best papers may be invited to submit in either IEEE Engineering Management Review, IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management or Technology Analysis and Strategic Management.
Topics of the conference - Call for Papers & Workshops
Three tracks offer 15 paper tracks and opportunities for academic and practical workshops on Wednesday and Thursday. For our first event, we offer a wide range of topics for communities from manufacturing/3D printing, computer science/Internet of Things and entrepreneurship/open innovation. The papers have to be submitted with the official IEEE Template and will be published on IEEExplore after a double-blind peer-review process. Further information and downloads can be found under:
Track 1: ENGINEERING – Advanced Manufacturing
Track 2: COMPUTER SCIENCE – Digitalisation
Track 3: ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Innovation & Technology Management
*** 31 st July 2017 Full Paper Submission ***