"Improvisation and Collaboration: The Art of Responsible Innovation" will take place at the Munich University of Applied Sciences on 6/7 October 2017. Please register until September 28, 2017 at: https://the-art-of-responsible-innovation.eventbrite.de
The workshop conference will research the implicit and tacit knowing of innovative processes using different angles and perspectives. Starting point will be the notion that innovative processes are cultural processes by nature - based on hidden values, from which one will have to redefine problems. That is why there will be used various artistic procedures and reasoning in order to identify and understand underlying patterns for innovate processes. Artistic procedures will help to understand the hidden (cultural) elements of innovation and enhance our reflexivity.
Within two days there will be shared
- the understanding of how innovation takes place in a responsive way (opening fishbowl event)
- joint experiences in various artistic procedures (a series of experience-based workshops and labs)
- personal conclusions for responsive innovativeness (final fishbowl event)
Main Facilitators:
• Peter Michael von der Nahmer
Composer and Sound Researcher, New York
• Ken Otter
Collaborative Leadership Trainer, San Francisco
http://www.tamalpa.org/professional-training/faculty/ und https://www.stmarys-ca.edu
• Manfred Moldaschl
Performative Reflexivity, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
• Hajo Neis
Architect and Pattern Specialist, University of Oregon
• Ursula Bertram
ID Factory Dortmund for Artistic Transfer and Research
• Martin Ciesielski
Applied Improvisation
• Thieu Bresselinck
Amsterdam Learning Lab
Schedule of the Workshop Conference (Draft)
Friday, October 6
09.30 Arrival – Ankomst – Ankommen – Coffee and Tea
10.00 Welcome – Willkommen
10.30 Starting Fishbowl:
Responsible Innovation –
How we Collaborate, Compose and Improvise
(Bertram – Besselink – Ciesielski – Moldaschl – Neis – Otter – Stark – von der Nahmer)
12.00 Lunch
13.00 – 14.30 Workshop I (Peter Michael von der Nahmer)
14.45 – 16.15 Workshop II (Ken Otter)
16.30 – 17.45 Workshop III (Manfred Moldaschl)
18.00 – 19.30 Workshop IV (Hajo Neis)
20.00 Dinner
Saturday, October 7
09.00 Morning Wrap-Up
09.30 – 11.00 Workshop V (Ursula Bertram)
11.15 – 12.45 Workshop VI (Martin Ciesielski)
12.45 Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 Workshop VII (Thieu Besselink)
16.00 Final Fishbowl:
The Art of Responsible Innovation (all participants)
17.30 Farewell
The Workshop Conference is open for all interested. Active Participation is required.
What: Improvisation and Collaboration: The Art of Responsible Innovation
When: 6/7 October 2017
Where: Munich University of Applied Sciences, Oskar-von-Miller-Hall, Lothstr. 34, 80335 Munich
Please register until September 28, 2017 at: https://the-art-of-responsible-innovation.eventbrite.de
For information about the event and application please contact:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stark
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Steinbeis Transferzentrum Innovation and Sustainable Leadership
Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship