SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200

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SCE goes 3E Conference 2024

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From Munich to Amsterdam. We are thrilled to represent our research at this year's 3E Entrepreneurship Education Conference by the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences & Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam).

The SCE will be present with 3 Practitioner Development Workshops:

  • The Reflective Entrepreneur, by Dr. Dana Schultchen and Dr. Audrey Stolze
  • Pattern Language for Dynamic Innovation, by Johanna Kobilke and Klaus Sailer
  • It's Good Business To Promote Less Consumption, by Birgitte Woge Nielsen, Hanne Duedahl Nørgaard, David Mehlsen, Dr. Kiefer Lee and Sebastian Planck

As well as a Research Paper:

  • Sustainability through Entrepreneurship, by Sebastian Planck, Johanna Kobilke, Sonja Wilhelm and Klaus Sailer.

There will also be another surprise at the conference. Hope to see you there.

About the 3E 2024
Through an innovative and non-traditional format, the 3E Conference establishes a new paradigm for entrepreneurship conferences. It offers an inclusive setting to fully collaborate with researchers, educators and policymakers to debate and exchange the best practices, the major challenges and novel advances in entrepreneurship education with a special and unique focus on Europe. Unlike more traditional academic events, this conference puts the spotlight in problems and questions; the format is ‘unplugged’ without power point presentations. Instead, engaging round table discussions are held with participants who have read papers beforehand. Further, the keynote speakers are chosen from among the best submission of the participants. 

Conference theme: Entrepreneurship Education – a playground for impact
Over the past years, Entrepreneurship Education (EE) has increasingly become more mature in its theory and practice. Yet, it has not lost its playfulness and its willingness to try out new things. We believe EE can and should be seen as a playground for educators, scholars, and students; and continue to invite innovative action and experimentation. At the same time, this led to a variety of challenges and contexts for players to solve through creativity, interaction and mutual learning. That is why this edition encourages the 3E community to present novel solutions to encourage tilting EE towards social development, mental and physical wellbeing, and sustainability. We need to promote innovation, creativity as well as responsible risk-taking. And most importantly, we need to think of what we want our students to learn, what our students want to learn, and how they best learn.  Therefore, we welcome contributions that present, explore and question the playfulness of EE in relation towards social and sustainable entrepreneurial initiatives. 

More Information here.
Hope to see you there!