Startup Weekend Munich is a 3-day event, where participants develop their own ideas into solid businesses. Under the guidance of successful entrepreneurs and in a creative environment diverse teams have a chance to learn invaluable business tools. And most important: How to apply them directly during the event.
The Startup Weekend Social Innovation edition means you will be focusing on solving problems and creating opportunities for civic engagement, equal opportunity, economic development, environmental responsibility, and access to healthcare and education - but you are not limited to these topics. Whether you have an idea to improve your local community or global ones, the ultimate objective of this event is to empower you - in the words of Mahatma Gandhi - to be the change you wish to see in the world!
Startup Weekend Munich is a successful event organized by TEG|the entrepreneurial group e.V. for the 9th time in Munich. TEG is an entrepreneurial student initiative fully committed to pushing forward innovative ideas and shaping the Munich startup community. It is a great place to meet industry experts, successful founders, diverse professionals and extend your network in the entrepreneurship scene as fast as never before.
More information about tickets and event schedule under:
May 3-5, 2019
Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE)
Heßstr. 89
80797 Munich