The DBA is a part-time doctoral program with an international degree designed specifically for managers and executives in senior positions, which we run in partnership with Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Business School in Edinburgh, Scotland, and Swansea University. Heriot Watt University is a business school in the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland. Swansea University is located in the south west of England in Wales. Both universities are regularly ranked among the top 300 world universities in The Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
The aim is to make an important contribution to entrepreneurial knowledge through practice-oriented research, thereby advancing the company and the doctoral student in their development.
The program is application-oriented and adapted to the needs of business.
In addition to imparting the necessary academic research skills, we place an equally high value on individual support for the individual doctoral students and the company.
After successfully completing the program, DBA graduates are entitled to use the German title "Dr.".
The first part of the DBA day provides interested parties with an overview of the content and procedure of the cooperative part-time doctoral programs.
In the second part, you can take the opportunity to talk to supervising professors from Heriot Watt University, Swansea University and program managers from Munich, discuss your research question and register.
The event will be held in English and is free of charge.
Registrations at and inquiries to - (089 1265 3236)
Further information on the DBA can be found here.