Interview with Strascheg Award - Winner "SPACE

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Marielena Sperle (APE Alumni) and Dr. Benedikt Risse won the Strascheg Award in category 1, Best Business Idea from a Course, with their start-up "SPACE" in 2021. SPACE is a vertical and stackable hydroponic system. You have a great idea too? Then let them convince you in the following interview to submit your idea by September 18 to the Strascheg Award, the idea competition of the Munich University of Applied Sciences and the SCE, and give your start-up story a jump-start. .

1. why did you participate in the Strascheg Award or why should one participate?

By participating you get valuable feedback, new contacts and of course the chance to win the prize money.

What were your highlights at the Strascheg Award?

The diversity of ideas inspired us anew.

3. what was the significance of the participation for you and what did you take away from it?

For us, the participation was an important step towards founding a company, as our idea could be put to the test in front of an audience. 4) How has your idea developed since the Strascheg Award?

After our success, we applied directly for the Start-up Certificate.

5. what would you say to interested award participants and give them on their way?

Have the courage - you won't regret it.

6 And finally - let's be honest: What did you do with the prize money?

We divided the prize money fairly and of course built more prototypes.

We thank "SPACE" for the great interview and wish the whole team continued success.

Apply now for the award, which is endowed with a total prize money of 30.000€. All students, professors, employees and alumni of the Munich University of Applied Sciences can submit their business ideas until September 18. Apply now with an idea paper for one of the three categories: Apply now!