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Puray wins 3rd place in the 2nd phase of the Munich Business Plan Competition

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In the second phase of the Munich Business Plan Competition, SCE Start-up League Team Puray won third place with its medical catheter, which is continuously disinfected during use with the help of UVC light. Their product eliminates viruses and bacteria while being harmless to humans. For the first time, patients are safely and reliably protected from dangerous catheter-associated hospital infections. In addition to detailed expert feedback on all submissions in phase 2, the winners will receive additional prizes totaling 9,000 euros. More info on Puray here.

In second phase of the Munich Business Plan Competition, the teams focused on marketing and sales and showed how they intend to bring their concepts to market. While some teams are still at the very beginning, others are already in talks with potential investors.

First place went to Sedivention from Strasslach, which facilitates the treatment of obesity with a novel catheter, and second place went to Energyminer from Inning am Ammersee, for their environmentally friendly methods of harnessing the hydropower of rivers. The teams from additive electronics from Gmund am Tegernsee and Otter Energy Trading from Munich came in fourth and fifth.

Fabian Brunner, head of the Munich Business Plan Competition at BayStartUP, summarizes:

"We see the strongest concepts in phase 2 of this year's competition in the fields of medical technology, renewable energies and B2B software as a service. There are also exciting teams in the areas of construction, food technology and data science where it is worth watching their further development."

And Ute Nollert, MD, CEO at Sedivention, said:

"As a founder from the Munich district, the Munich Business Plan Competition offers me fantastic opportunities to network with other founders and share experiences. But most important to me is the constructive criticism I get from the volunteer judges, which helps the team improve the business idea and make it a reality here."

Startup teams from Munich and all of southern Bavaria can participate in the final third phase of the Munich Business Plan Competition until June 6, 2023. The Munich Business Plan Competition is aimed at (prospective) startup teams from the entire southern Bavarian region from Kempten to Ingolstadt. With this offering, BayStartUP pursues the goal of strengthening startup activity in all regions and contributing to a diverse startup ecosystem. This includes preparatory business planning workshops, detailed feedback and networking offers. With these tools, startup teams can get their business models ready to enter the market. More information here.


SCE congratulates Puray and of course all the other promising startups! The entire press release and more information on all winners and nominees can be found at


Press contact BayStartUp GmbH
Thyra Andresen Head of Communications
+49 179 481 98 91

Picture material (c) BayStartUP/Andreas Gebert