SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200
Production & Manufacturing
Fast, high-quality series parts at the push of a button
Start-up Zertifikat, EXIST, KickStart@HM
micro factory
The start-up micro factory is developing a fully automated production unit for thermoset components. It uses the mSLA printing process and enables the user to produce parts with very high precision and speed without long set-up times. micro factory is the first product on the market that fully automates the production process, protects the user from the potentially harmful chemicals and enables the production of series parts.
In addition, the system enables the production of parts even without existing knowledge in the field of 3D printing and thus serves as an enabler for companies that have not used this manufacturing process so far. With this combination, you were already able to convince at the Strascheg Award, among others, and secure first place in the category "Best Business Idea in the Study Period at HM".