SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200

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Master of Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation


Target group

international students with a bachelor degree / (HM) students / high potentials


3 semesters (18 months)


fulltime in person in Munich, Germany


none - except regular university fees of HM



What makes our EDT Master so unique:

The interdisciplinary master program Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation enables graduates to either start their own digital business or lead corporate digital transformation projects to success.

Designing sustainable solutions for the digital world 

Digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, or Blockchain will continue to revolutionize business models of established industries. Many start-ups build their value proposition on these new technologies. This digital revolution asks for qualified employees and passionate founders to design innovative solutions that improve our business and personal lives.

Curriculum (Overview)

Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation is a full-time master programme designed to take three semesters.

You must complete a total of 90 credit points to graduate from the programme. The curriculum consists of compulsory courses on entrepreneurship and digitalization as well as electives from the master programmes of other faculties.

Professional perspectives

Graduates either start their own digital business or lead corporate digital transformation projects within companies.

Our approach

Through a learning-by-doing approach with the right balance between theory and practice, you will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to start your own business or innovate in an organizational environment.


Your key benefits are:

  • project work at the core of the study program
  • interdisciplinary and international teams
  • individualized study plan
  • safe environment for experimentation
  • building strong networks
  • a University Masters Degree within 3 semesters

Who we are looking for

Are you…

  • up to start your entrepreneurial project in health, mobility, manufacturing, food or an own topic?
  • a team player and thrive in an international and interdisciplinary work environment?
  • eager to learn from peers and professionals in a community of aspiring entrepreneurs and corporate innovators?

You're interested in these things…

  • digitalization
  • founding a start-up
  • digital business modeling
  • entrepreneurial projects
  • international and interdisciplinary work environment
  • thinking beyond Digital Transformation
  • shaping a sustainable digital future


  • are a HM-student / foreign student with a bachelor degree with a grade higher than 2,5 ( German grading)
  • consider yourself brave, bold and creative in critical situations
  • like dealing with challenges, with uncertainties and unpredictable changes
  • enjoy working in an interdisciplinary team where high social skills are needed

Then the joint master's program Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation offered by Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences and Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) is the right fit for you. Either as founders of your own business (entrepreneurs) or as corporate innovators with our industry partners (intrapreneurs), your project team will be supervised by a professor and a coach to come up with innovative solutions for the digital businesses of tomorrow.



We offer an online preparation course for Basics in Digital Transformation & Entrepreneurship. Join our MOOC and receive a certificate.

Apply now!

Application process

All applicants - both international and German candidates - must complete an online application via the platform Primuss.

General Application Requirements

A two-stage suitability procedure will be performed, consisting of a pre-selection on the basis of your university degree, grade point average, the project description, and the proven knowledge in the areas of entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, digital transformation and implementation of projects.

In Detail

Thus qualification requirements for access to the master programme include:

  • University degree and grad epoint average
  • Proof of English language skills
  • Submission of a project description
  • Proof of knowledge in entre- or intrapreneurship
For applicants with international degrees

If you have a non-German Bachelor or diploma degree, please use uni-assist for prior evaluation of your certificates before applying to the master's program at Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences.

  • evaluation via uni- assist

- uni-assist evaluates if your university degree/certificates fulfill the general criteria for studying in Germany.

- uni-assist also converts your grades to the German system of grades. 

[Please note that the grading scale at German universities goes from 1 = very good to 5 = failed]

START you APPLICATION PROCESS as soon as possible - NOW!

Please note that uni-assist will need 4-6 weeks to issue the preliminary review record (VPD). You have to upload the VPD to our online application platform. uni-assist WILL NOT FORWARD your documents to our university.

  • Self-assessment of qualification

Before you submit your documents to uni-assist and pay a fee for their review services, we recommend converting your grades on your own by using the Bavarian formula. 

This tool will give you a first orientation if your grades probably meet the qualification requirements for access to the master program.

  • anabin

Another helpful link to check whether the university you graduated from is considered as a higher education institution, is offered by anabin (language is German only).



Downloads & Links


Dr. Dana Schultchen Qualifizierung
Leitung Master-Programm

T: 089 1265 3287


Dana ist seit April 2022 als Programm Leiterin für den Deep Dive Master „Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation“ am Strascheg Center of Entrepreneurship (SCE) tätig.
Seit Juli 2024 befindet sich Dana in Elternzeit. Bis zu ihrer Rückkehr wird Sie von Andrea Klimek vertreten.

Zuvor leitet sie an der Universität Ulm den Bereich „Learning & Development“ und war für die Konzeption und Durchführung verschiedener Lehr- und Veranstaltungsformate mit dem Fokus Innovation und Entrepreneurship verantwortlich. Ebenso ist sie Co-Founderin von mindwise und als Coach tätig. Darüber hinaus gibt sie verschiedene Seminare sowie Workshops zu den Themen Innovation, Karriere- und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und mentale Gesundheit. 
Dana hat Psychologie studiert und im Bereich der Gesundheitspsychologie promoviert. Zudem hat sie sich als systemische Coach sowie SCRUM Master weitergebildet.

Prof. Dr. Herbert Gillig FK 09 | Real Projects | Precelerator | DeepDive

Prof. Dr. Herbert Gillig hat die Professur für Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen der Hochschule München. Eine ausführliche Darstellung seiner Fachgebiete, Schwerpunkte und Funktionen ist hier zu finden.

Andrea Klimek Qualifizierung
Leitung Master-Programm

T: 089 1265 3207

Andrea Klimek ist seit August 2024 als Programmleiterin für den Deep Dive Master „Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation“ am Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) tätig. In ihrer bisherigen Laufbahn hat sie umfassende Erfahrungen in der Entwicklung und Umsetzung innovativer Bildungsformate gesammelt. Vor ihrem Wechsel ans SCE war sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Technischen Hochschule Rosenheim tätig, wo sie an der Konzeptentwicklung digitaler und hybrider Lehr- und Lernformate beteiligt war. Hier war sie unter anderem für das UX Design und Content Management verantwortlich sowie für die Erstellung von Kommunikationskonzepten und Eventmanagement.

Zudem leitete Andrea als Projekt- und Designmanagerin Online-Lehrveranstaltungen für die Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern und war für die Gestaltung innovativer, interaktiver Lernübungen sowie die barrierefreie Umsetzung der Kurse zuständig. Ihre Aufgaben umfassten auch die Planung und Umsetzung internationaler Projekte am Campus Mühldorf a. Inn.

Andrea hat einen Master of Arts in Design Management sowie einen Bachelor of Arts in Sozialer Arbeit. Ihre fundierten Kenntnisse in der Konzeption und Durchführung von Lehr- und Veranstaltungsformaten, bringt sie nun am SCE ein.