SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200
REAL PROJECT #1 - I2S Ideas to Solution - Vision Zero - no more deaths and serious injuries in public spaces
Topic: Energy, Manufacturing and Raw Materials - FK03 | FK10 Lecturer:in: Oliver May-Beckmann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Winfried Zanker, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Eursch, Doris Polzin Mondays, 16.00 h to 19.00 h | from 27 March 2023 | Creative Hall/ Conference Room SCE
I2S is a format designed to simultaneously teach technical content and promote entrepreneurial thinking and action. The event is cross-faculty, with students from the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Design working together in mixed groups on a concrete project. Here you start with a concrete product idea, through a business model to the preparation of a start-up. This approach provides students with a holistic view of a product development process and conveys an understanding of interdisciplinary linkages, promotes value-oriented teamwork and enables strategic and operational entrepreneurial thinking and action
The concept of the seminar is to develop a solution concept for the given task as independently as possible. The lecturers act mainly as coaches for the teams on the way to the solution. In order to give the students a clear orientation and a clear specification for the expected achievements, an outline for the project is given by specifying milestones and performance packages linked to them. In addition, the necessary theoretical knowledge is imparted in theory sections. The main aim is to convey a holistic understanding and to illustrate the interdisciplinary links.
Real Project: Innovations in the field of health in the year 2053
Topic: Health - FK06 Lecturer:in: Prof. Dr. Bettina Maisch, Dr. Sebastian Planck, Marina Leonie Moskvina, Dr. med. Christian Bayer Wednesdays, 15:00-18:00 | March 22 - June 21 | SCE Creative Hall (Heßstr. 89)
What might the future of health look like in 50 years? What might our lives look like? What role will new technologies and innovations play? What solutions might be possible, impossible, plausible or probable? Solutions that address the most relevant potentials and challenges in the healthcare sector: unprecedented treatment possibilities through digitalization, robotization, miniaturization and automation and, on the other hand, increasing rising costs and ever fewer personnel as well as increasing risks due to climate change.
In our Real Project, we travel together into the future to anticipate and then develop new challenges and solutions. In doing so, we combine processes and methods of entrepreneurial thinking and acting with those of speculative design. We invite participants to travel with us into a future they want to live in and develop solutions they find desirable. In this project-based, 'flipped-classroom' seminar, all course content is provided in digital form. In the seminars themselves, in addition to impulse lectures from startups and experts, participants are given the opportunity to work on their projects and obtain feedback in the form of coaching from the instructors. In the Real Project, students work in interdisciplinary teams on new solutions for the healthcare needs and challenges of the future. They develop both an innovative business model and a conceptual prototype.
REAL PROJECT #3 Social X Factor
Topic: Urban Mobility, Circular Economy Lecturer:s: Prof. Georg Zollner, Prof. Daniel Ittstein, Prof. Charlotte Achilles-Pujol, Prof. Michael Reitsam, Prof. Andrea Benze, Prof. Ralph Buchner, Prof. Wolfgang Gehra, Prof. Bettina Maisch, Prof. Peter Dürr, Sonja Wilhelm, Johanna Kobilke 09:00 - 17:00 | 19.07.23 to 26.07.2023 | SCE Creative Hall
At the end of the summer semester every year, about 150 students from different faculties come together in this special Real Project to work in interdisciplinary teams on a social challenge in a block seminar. In just one week, they develop innovative ideas and working prototypes. This semester, the theme is SUSTAINABLE CITY DEVELOPMENT.
Embedded in the New European Bauhaus guiding principle of designing cities and neighborhoods according to the principle beautiful - sustainable - together, the teams will address participation in colorful and active neighborhoods, attractive and sustainable housing and living environments, as well as Innovative Learning and Working Places. The students will receive ideas and content for the challenges to be solved from the lighthouse project "NEBourhoods", which is being carried out in the Neuperlach district of Munich by several Munich partner organizations until the end of 2024.
REAL PROJECT #4 Shaping the Future - Innovations for a Sustainable Future
Topic: SDGs Lecturer:s: Prof. Dr. Georg Zollner, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ackermann, Prof. Dr. Theo Eberhardt, Prof. Dr. Georg Kerber, Prof. Dr. Pia Popal, Nicola Sennewald, Annemarie Lauffer, Johanna Kobilke & Sonja Wilhelm Thursdays 14:00 - 17:15 | From 23 March 2022 |
How can innovative solutions to existing challenges around the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations look like?
In different thematic areas, such as mobility transition, co-creation and participation, heat pumps and electric motors, as well as the World Climate Conference COP28, students develop innovative approaches together in teams in coordination with practice partners from the respective thematic areas.
They are accompanied by interdisciplinary coach tandems who support them in implementing their ideas.
REAL PROJECT #5 Green Tech, Agriculture & Food
Topic: Food - FK06 I FK10 Lecturer:in: Prof. Dr. Bettina Maisch , Prof. Dr. Verena Kaiser Monday, June 26th to friday, June 30th, 2023 | SCE Creative Hall Partner: Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Feeding all people on earth remains a major challenge. In 2050, about 9.7 billion people will live on earth. According to the UN, about 690 million people are already suffering from hunger. How can we ensure effective, low-cost and sustainable forms of food production? In many supermarkets, we in Germany have an abundant supply of food, some of which has already made a long journey. Whether these are bananas from Tanzania, beef from Argentina or avocados from Colombia. In the context of food production, transport and processing, tons of climate-damaging CO2 are produced. How to ensure a sustainable production, processing and delivering of food? How can modern technologies be used to more effectively treat and, if possible, even prevent existing diet-related diseases?
In the block seminar together with Wroclaw University of Economics and Business we will work on relevant topics, opportunities and challenges, in the context of Green Tech, Agriculture and Nutrition and develop innovative, value-added and sustainable solutions for Rural Areas in the World.
REAL PROJECT #6 Development of a Business Idea - Topic Digital Transformation
Topic: Digitalization FK03 | FK09 Lecturer:in: Prof. Dr. Herbert Gillig, Prof. Dr. Julia Eiche Thursdays, 2:15 p.m. to approx. 4:45 p.m. | From 23.03.2023 to 29.06.23 | R 3.097
Digital transformation refers to an ongoing, profound process of change in business and society that has been triggered by the emergence of increasingly powerful digital techniques and technologies.
In the course, business ideas as well as scalable business models are developed around the topic of digital transformation in a self-selected area in a structured process.
Topic: Digitalization | FK 07 | FK 10 Lecturers: Dr. Audrey Stolze | Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wach | Prof. Dr. Gudrun Socher | Johanna Kobilke Class meets via Zoom on Thursdays 10:00 - 13:00 5 additional international Zoom sessions on Tuesdays 04.04. (16-17h30), 18.04. (16-18h), 02.05. (16-17h), 16.05.. (16-17h) and 06.06. (15h30-17h30) Challenge Partner: DTLab
Real Project Digitalization is an online seminar that aims to promote students entrepreneurial, digital and intercultural competences.
Students learn how to work in interdisciplinary remote teams, following agile processes, developing digital prototypes and business models.
Students work in interdisciplinary (potentially international) teams on real-life problems that matter. These real-life problems are innovation challenges proposed by an NGO or public sector entity through a collaboration with HM's Digital Transformation Lab, supported by AWS. The students teams follow an innovation process to tackle the proposed challenges and prototype solutions using digital technologies with market potential for generating societal impact.
The course is a flipped-classroom, which means that the content is available via video lectures and on our dynamic weekly sessions we concentrate on teamwork with coaching.
REAL PROJECT #8 Sustainable Energies
Topic: Energy | FK04 Instructors: Theresa Liegl | Sonja Wilhelm Mondays, 08.15-09.45 a.m. | 20.03.23 to 21.07.23 | SCE Creative Hall (Heßstr. 89)
Our standard of living depends to a large extent on the availability of cheap energy, mainly derived from fossil energy production. However, the production and use of this is also largely responsible for climate change and associated negative consequences for current and future generations. Providing CO2-free energy for all people on earth is therefore one of the biggest tasks for this century. Currently, the average total energy consumption (electricity, heat, mobility, industry, etc.) is about 60 kWh per person per day. However, there are big differences depending on the country a person lives in. In the global north, some countries consume up to 300 kWh per person per day, while in other parts consumption is less than 20 kWh per person per day. In addition, there are other important factors, such as the fact that by 2050, there will be approximately 9.7 billion people living on the planet.
How can effective and efficient renewable energy generation be ensured in all parts of the world? What are the main sources of renewable energy? Do we need to change the way and amount of energy we use? Are technological developments helping or driving energy consumption?
Deciphering these questions requires solutions in all areas of energy generation, distribution, storage, and smart consumption! In this one-semester seminar, we will explore relevant issues, opportunities, and challenges in the context of sustainable energy supply, and develop innovative, value-added, and sustainable solutions for different parts of the world.