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SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200

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All SCE Start-ups - Start-up League & Alumni

The start-ups currently supported at SCE together form the Start-up League. After the completion of the funding, they become part of our alumni network.

For more information visit the SCE Startup Portfolio of Munich Startup powered by Dealroom.
SCE Startup Portfolio


Applied Nano Research

We are a team that is attempting to develop an innovative wet razor using nanotechnologies. There have been no real innovations in this global…

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ARA vermietet Gebäudetechnik wie Beleuchtung, Sensorik und Netzwerktechnik an Gebäudeeigentümer und Immobilienentwickler. Dabei besteht das ARA…

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around and square

around and square offers personalized gift experiences with unique designs and handpicked city guides.

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Art Glove

Art-Glove - Your hands best friends

Art-Glove is a self-massaging glove that uses vibration and air pressure to relieve hand pain and stiffness for…

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ARTEMIS aims to reduce the high rate of returns and the associated environmental impact in online fashion retail through innovative sizing software.

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Arzt-Gesucht - so that patients no longer wait pointlessly in emergency rooms.

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Atlas Bikes

Atlas Bikes offers simple e-conversion kits as a cost-effective solution for those who want an e-bike without complicated conversion

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Atmen – Breeze through Certification

Atmen automates hydrogen and e-fuels certification, saving you up to 90% time in the process.


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AvA | The dummy

AvA | The Dummy is a 3D-printed full-body dressmaker's dummy with joints helps the Sportswear Industry that experiences major fitting problems.

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AVISIO - an all-in-one enterprise resource planning solution especially designed for the hospitality industry

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baind – The central energy nervous system

baind is the central nervous system for smart energy management in buildings. Here, artificial intelligence…

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Baristina offers freshly brewed, high quality espresso, prepared in a small beverage can. A "push of a button" is enough and the espresso drips into…

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BaryonBib - Innovate faster, Manage smarter

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Bauwerkdigital Link

Bauwerkdigital Link – Digital Tools for Structural Diagnostics

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BAvario is a continuously variable transmission for bicycles and e-bikes. The gearshift is integrated into the rear wheel hub and is therefore…

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Bikepick - a modern and IT-supported bicycle repair shop

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Your motivational support for sporting activity.

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Bolendo enables private individuals with limited income and limited living space to borrow items for short-term or one-time use, such as tools or…

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We match you with your perfect event location!

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Boost it

Through our easy-to-install electrification kit, Boost it makes the benefits of electric transportation within reach of every cyclist and nearly every…

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