SCE München 48.1538958 Heßstraße 89 +498912653200

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Start-up Alumni

Learn more about the start-ups from our alumni network.

For more information visit the SCE Startup Portfolio of Munich Startup powered by Dealroom.
SCE Startup Portfolio


Our co-ideas platform helps innovators to network with others in order to exchange ideas.

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COBY entwickelt ein KI-gesteuertes Chamäleon Plüschtier, welches Kindern mit chronischen Erkrankungen und ihren Familien praktische Tipps, emotionale…

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ComCapital is developing a 2-sided marketplace with a focus on existing properties.

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Compas Solutions

Compas Solutions - develops digital models which brings simplicity in complex products

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ComplyMarket – a centralized platform that enables buyers & suppliers to find product compliant components & materials


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Confly – Configuration on the fly

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Automation of communication and administration work of medium-sized logistics service providers in the waste disposal industry

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CoTherapy - Let's be there for each other.

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CryptoChest - protecting people from misuse of their personal data

CryptoChest is a SaaS solution for secure processing of personal data between…

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The startup cStream manufactures innovative fluid handling pumps whose performance in terms of weight and volume is many times higher than that of…

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Up to now, there has been no uniform standard for documenting wounds in medicine. Wounds have so far been documented only two-dimensionally and under…

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CyFract is a novel process for particle separation from water using an innovative direct current hydrocyclone.

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D OPENER - Opens the doors to your potential new customers.

D OPENER helps you enter and expand in the market - regardless of whether you are a…

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DcubeD is developing actuators and deployable structures tailored for nanosatellites and the commercial space industry.

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deep.ONE - Wearable Subwoofer

deep.ONE is a completely new music and gaming device. Worn around the neck, four VibrationPads inject the bass of any…

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With AppOS from Deliance, SAP applications for business processes, such as innovation and event management, are realized quickly, flexibly and in high…

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Die Frischemanufaktur

DIE FRISCHEMANUFAKTUR provides everyone who wants to do something good for themselves in a mobile and demanding everyday life with fresh products for…

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Djahé produces organic ginger lemonades, iced teas and organic ginger shots. The non-alcoholic drinks are an alternative to the sugary and unhealthy…

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djoon - the better praline

djoon produces and sells high-quality date chocolates and thus offers people who orientate their lifestyle towards health…

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DOWHATYOULOVE.ACADEMY is an e-learning provider that helps high school graduates to not only dream about their dream of a year abroad after…

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